- pills. {🌩}

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; inspired by Happy Pills - Weathers, The One That Got Away - Katy Perry.

; trigger warning for accidental overdosing, anxiety attack, major character death, violent thoughts such as voices and suicidal thoughts, death threats and verbal abuse

Others would've assumed that David has a perfect man. Judging by his kindred soul, his cheerful, optimistic attitude, and his manners, it was no denying it that the man was somewhat perfect.

Just a look at him will surely approve of that opinion.

But only one person knows the truth behind that smiling facade.

"Are you sure that you still want to continue taking these pills, David?" Daniel looked at the other worriedly as he grabbed the big jar of anti-depressant pills, also known as David's "Friend Pills". The counselor sighed and took a pill, drinking it.

"My psychiatrist required me to have them, I've got no other choice. If I want to stay mentally stable, then I'll do what the doctors say." He smiled, looking at Daniel.

The blond nodded. He wondered what he was doing in this camp. Didn't he intend to poison everybody in here?

It's been at least three weeks since he came and applied for this job.

Maybe his focus was all on David. And ever since he found out that the male has been drinking pills once a day, he laid all of his attention and focus on him, making the other feel loved and important. Though, it's clear that Daniel had never acted like this before.

And after three weeks of affection, they finally started to officially date each other. Gwen and the campers all think that they're moving a tad bit too fast, the couple doesn't think that they are.

"If anything happens, you must tell me, alright?" Daniel walked up to the other and gently cupped his cheek. David melted at the touch as he let out a sigh of relief. He smiled softly and looked at Daniel, grabbing his hand back. "I will."

"Promise me?"

"I promise, Danny. There's nothing you should worry about." David pecked Daniel's lips, a kiss so short, yet it meant a lot for both parties.

David and Daniel both went their own ways, one of them to the Mess Hall, and one of them to the Activities Field.

David reached the Mess Hall and glanced up at the flag, immediately saluting as he smiled brightly.

He entered the place, only to be greeted with loud noises of children making trouble. "Alright, kids! Quiet down, please! Gather around!"

None of them even listened, which made David even more stressed. But all he could do was sigh and frown — quickly replacing it with a smile once again.

It took about a couple of minutes before everyone seemed to have calmed down.

"Now, since RPG and Space Camp has been crossed out of the list, for today's activity, we'll have— um... Cooking camp? Which would be easy since we have Quartermaster and Daniel here to help us!"

"David, Daniel accidentally burned the kitchen down once."

"Any who!" David nervously sweat at Harrison's comment. "Now, pick a buddy or two to accompany you toda-!" He got cut off when he heard a familiar ring tone.

He searched his pockets and frowned. "Gosh darn it, I must've left my phone somewhere here!" He mumbled before searching where the sound is coming from.

Just before David finally knew who the culprit was, someone must've had answered his phone.

"Yeah, hi, just wanna say that David's a pretty fucked up man, you do NOT want to trust him, er, whoever you are since the contact number in his phone is unknown." The jade-eyes 10 year old puts the phone call on speaker.

infatuation. | danvid 1shot.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant