Chapter 5: Avoidence & Confrontations

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Clark was running, running faster than he had ever run in his entire life. He couldn’t be in the same room, the same city as Oliver. Didn’t want to remember the way his lips felt like, or how good his body felt like pressed against Clark’s own.

Only when he got back to the farm did he stop running. He headed straight to the loft, his safety area, and slumped on the couch. Part of him wondered what Oliver was thinking at that moment. When he broke away from the kiss, he didn’t want to leave. His first reaction was to drag Oliver to his bedroom and do a lot more than just kiss.

It was his first kiss with Oliver and he didn't want to stop but he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. His fateful summer in Metropolis may have been a couple years ago but he still hadn’t forgotten what it had been like to be with another man. How good it felt to be inside another man. When the men he'd slept with begged him to take them, to push them over the edge. Kissing Oliver only pushed those memories to the surface. He needed to get away from Oliver before his dominant side took over and he fucked Oliver on the couch and on top of every surface in that penthouse.

'Who cares about you, idiot? What about Ollie?' He really didn’t want to think about Oliver because when he did, he could only feel guilt. What kind of awful person was he? Sure, he had been unsure of his feelings for Oliver lately but he had gone to the penthouse to comfort him. Instead, he took advantage of his vulnerability.

He had gone back to the apartment and landed up at the same time as Lois, returning from her date. That’s when he found out that Oliver had visited and she was not pleased with him for not telling her about Oliver returning. How was he supposed to know that Oliver was going to visit her? Fortunately, she wasn’t too upset with him. Somehow, he had managed to wheedle his way out of an argument. But he was worried about Oliver and had gone to see him to check up on him. That was it though!

'Clark Kent, you are a sad excuse of an alien.' Because God knows he wasn’t human. He tried to justify the kiss as best as he could. It wasn’t in the plan! He hadn’t gone there to make out with Oliver . . . it was just right before, Oliver was looking at him like that. Those gorgeous brown eyes were staring at him like he was the only person in the world and Clark got shivers thinking about the intensity in his gaze.

How could he not want to get closer? And Oliver had responded to the kiss! He could’ve pushed him away but he didn’t. Now the question remained: why hadn’t Ollie pushed him away? Why had he kissed him back? Weren’t they just talking about how Oliver felt about Lois? How did he go from mourning his relationship with Lois to kissing Clark?

“Kal-El?” A voice broke through his thoughts. He turned to see Kara standing there, looking worried.

“Hey, Kara,” he greeted her. “Is everything all right?”

“I could ask you the same question,” she answered. “We were closing up for the night and I just wanted to check up on you. But I could hear your heart racing. What’s going on? Is something wrong?”

He sighed. “Kara, everything’s wrong.”

Meanwhile, Oliver didn’t know what to do. He was positive he had scared Clark away. Stupidity, thy name is Oliver Queen. But he really thought Clark wanted it too! He hadn’t resisted in the least bit. Then again, maybe it was a moment of weakness.

He winced when he remembered the horrified expression on Clark’s face after breaking the kiss. Was it that bad? For Oliver, it had been amazing. Lois definitely knew what she was talking about. So Clark can give me a few lessons, huh?

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