21-MTF The Way to a Man's Heart

Start from the beginning

     "Yeah?" Gia raised an eyebrow, wondering where this was going. Meanwhile her insides clenched in dread.

     "Yeah, I thought you were Nick's date. I'd been hoping he'd ask me out. But good things come to those who wait," she proclaimed and her face lit up.

     "Yep," Gia spoke through gritted teeth. "Brian, I'm going to go grab a plate of food. Coming?"

     "No, I'm good. I might have a nibble off your plate, though." He grinned.

     Gia walked away grumbling to herself., "Nibble off my plate!" This relationship clearly wasn't going to be long term if he intended to eat her food, not to mention the whole point of going for food was to get away from Nick and Madison. Now she felt like she had to hurry back to feed him. She looked for a familiar face near the food table; someone who could conveniently distract her so she wouldn't feel the need to go back. If he was really hungry, he knew where the food was. Up ahead Gia saw Mrs. Ivanov filling a plate. Perfect.

     "Mrs. Ivanov, love the dress. I haven't seen you in a while. How are you doing?"

     "Call me Jennifer. I'm doing fine, it's nice to get an evening out. I love my two munchkins, but sometimes Saturday night mac-n-cheese gets old."

     Gia chuckled. "I imagine so. And you can call me Gia."

     "So, since I haven't seen you in a while, I'm guessing things are going fine with Nick still?"

     Gia's eyes floated over to Nick. Was he watching her? He turned his head so quickly, it was hard to be sure. "Um, yeah. Everything's good at work." If you don't count being attracted to and rejected by your mentor.

     Jennifer raised an eyebrow, seeming to pick up that something else was bothering Gia, but Gia wasn't about to go there. She couldn't read minds could she?

     Finally Jennifer nodded. "I'd like you to meet my husband." She turned and pulled forward a man who looked slightly older than herself with his receding hairline, and graying temples. It was easy to see that he had once been quite handsome. "Peter meet Gia. She's interning this year, and working with Nick."

     "Wonderful! So you're the one that Jen mentioned she finally got Nick to take an intern. He's a great guy once you break past the initial ice."

     Nodding, Gia realized that seemed to be the general consensus regarding Nick. "Yes, and thanks to your wife, no less. I don't know if she mentioned, but the person I was initially interning under was abusing his position, and with me being new, I had no idea. At least it all worked out though."

     Peter and Jennifer made quite the couple, and Gia saw a different side of Jennifer. She was a lot of fun outside of work. The duo kept her entertained until she felt an arm slide around her waist. The familiar fear crept in, but when she heard Brian's voice the fear subsided and a different tension set in. After being introduced to Jennifer and Peter, Brian began filling a plate while complaining that Gia forgot about him. She stuffed a bacon wrapped scallop into her mouth and made a face. What she intended to convey, not even she knew.

     Once having his fill of hors d'oeuvres, Brian coaxed Gia to the dance floor. "I know you can dance, darling. The gala, remember. I think that's when I knew I had to ask you out."

     Somehow, Nick and Madison ended up dancing right beside them, much to Gia's dismay. She tried to avoid looking, but her eyes were continually drawn to them, watching where Nick placed his hands, and how closely they were dancing. When Nick leaned down to whisper in Madison's ear, he caught Gia looking. She closed her eyes and bit her cheek. How embarrassing! She was startled by someone clearing their throat, and her eyes flew open to find Nick looking at Brian.

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