Chapter 1: Who are you?

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You immediately turned around and scanned the whole cafe carefully until you stopped at the sight of a tall, dark haired guy starring at you. He had a weird expression on his face that you could not explain and he somehow he felt quite familiar.

"Seriously? That guy? He has been staring at me for more than five minuets." You finally said.


"So, he either needs to order or needs to go." You said annoyed and tried to leave but Laura stopped you.

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" She said.

"I am going to him."

"To scare him off."

You sighed and looked Laura in the eyes with disappointment. She crossed her hands in front of her chest and took a quick  glimpse of the raven haired man before looking back at you with a silly smile.

Since the day you started working at that cafe, three years ago, Laura had been trying to find someone for you to be with. She was a hopeless romantic and, actually, was in a relationship with a really nice guy but would not understand when you told her you were just not that type of girl.

The truth was that you didn't have any problems with relationships or men for that matter. But, no matter on how many of those awkward dates Laura made you go, and no matter how great the guy was he just wasn't the right one. 

You really just had this weird feeling inside of you that just made every guy you met seem like nothing. Most of the times this feeling comes to someone who is in a devoted and loving relationship, but you were definitely not in one of those. So, you had just decided you were crazy.

Laura though still had hopes for you and would not give up. Every time she would see some guy looking at you for more than a minute she would immediately decided that y the two of you were meant to be. Sadly the cute man across the room was one more of them.

"No." You stopped her before she could say anything.

"Come on! I haven't seen you with a guy since...for ever!" Laura made a dramatic pause and you rolled your eyes at her. "He is cute too."

"I don't care Laura! I came here to go to collage not date good looking English men."

"So you do think he is cute." She laughed but you had already left.

You walked fast towards the guy's table who immediately turned his look away when he saw you. You got more irritated as he did so and when you arrived on his table he lifted his head to look at you. He had a lost look on his face and a weird smirk that kinda scared you.

"Have you decided what you'll get yet?" You told him dryly.

"I um..." He started but it was as if he couldn't get the words out of his mouth.

"I can give you some more time if you want you. The staring though is a bit much."

"Is it now?" The expression on his face suddenly changed to a sweet smile which you found extremely weird.

"Yes. Now if you finally decide what you want I'll sent someone else to help you." You gave him a fake, ironic smile and turned around.

You walked away fast and the man didn't say another word. Meanwhile Laura was looking at you with disappointment on her face. You laughed at her silliness and right when you were ready to go next to her a customer called you two tabled away. You immediately sighed and got to him.

Once you had his order all written down you gave him a polite smile and quickly got behind the counter. Laura was preparing a coffee at the moment so you had to take care of the order yourself. You started preparing everything when suddenly a tall blond man rushed into the shop. He looked very angry and as if her was looking for someone but he completely froze when he saw you.

You looked behind you in disbelief to confirm that he was indeed looking at you. Everyone inside the shop had turned to look at him, as he had made quite the entrance, but he was not moving. You were a little scared at that point, two people in one day staring at you as if you were a ghost walking was truly too much. Suddenly someone called the blond man out and he immediately started scanning the shop again when he stopped the second he saw the weird dark haired guy.

You thought that maybe they were friends.

With a quick and unexpected move then, the blond man got to the other one and grabbed him from the neck and your thoughts were proven wrong. Everyone started screaming and running to hide in fear while the blond man stuck his 'friend' on the wall. 

Laura was begging you to fall on your knees but there was something telling you not to do so. You somehow had a feeling that you were not going to get hurt. You slowly started walking towards the two men while they weren't looking.

"I thought you dead!" You heard the blonde one shout once you got close enough.

"Excuse me..." You cut them.

Once they noticed you they stopped their fight, the blonde man let the other one down and looked at you in the eyes. They both had the same look on their face and you were quite scared but you continued.

"What is this?" You continued.

"I am terribly sorry for my brother..." The blonde one said and you looked at the two men in confusion. 

"So, you are siblings." You told them.

"Adopted." Said the dark haired guy with a great accent.

"Okay. Well, whatever your family drama may be, you better take it outside."

"I am really sorry y/n, my brother can be-" The dark haired man started but you cut him in shock.

"How do you know me name?" You looked at him with your eyes wide open.


The two brothers were looking at you, not knowing what to say. Your heart was beating like crazy in terror as you took a few steps back.

"Loki you moron!" The blonde yelled.

Was Loki the dark haired guy's name? It really sounded quite familiar, which of course was weird since it wasn't a very common name.

"Loki...?" You suddenly mumbled.

They both looked at you in shock and tried to approach you but you stopped them. This name was so familiar to you but you couldn't remember anything else. The man did seem familiar to you from the moment you saw him but you still couldn't understand why. The two brothers were waiting for your next words anxiously but you didn't think you could form another phrase.

You took a few more steps back and suddenly Laura was there to catch you before your legs could fail you. Then, with a firm voice, she kicked the two men out of the coffee shop and took you to the back. She continuously asked you what was happening but you wouldn't say a word.

You really didn't know what to tell her as you couldn't exactly explain it yourself. You had a weird feeling like deja vu but with a very bad headache accompanying it. Laura decided to close the shop earlier and made you a tea to calm you down but nothing could help.

You knew these two men from somewhere and the feeling of not knowing was killing you. It was also obvious that they knew you as well. The one called Loki also knew your name which you couldn't decided if it was the most weird thing that happened to you today.

About an hour later, when you started feeling a little better you managed to convince Laura that you were well enough to walk home. Of course she wouldn't let you walk there by yourself, even though it was only five minutes from work, so she escorted you to the door of your apartment.

When she was finally gone and you were all alone you locked all the doors and windows inside your apartment and opened your laptop. You needed to find out who this Loki guy was but of course without a last name you knew the search would be long and tiring.

In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ