14. Thoughts

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We were standing before the closet with our cloaks. I looked over at Clary and heard her mind repeating Mefanleen words. I looked over at Rose, Natalie, and Jace, and they were all thinking the same thing. What if this world isn't as great as we thought it was? What if this world was full of darkness? And they were probably right, but no one said a word, we all just stood there staring at each other. Finally Daran spoke up.

"It's not that bad guys, I've lived through this, remember." He looked down scuffling his feet, "but there are tough times, and sometimes it seems like we've been defeated. But we just keep traveling on, we have to, because the world doesn't stop moving for any of us."

I looked at Daran, but his thoughts were blocked, than he looked up at me and smiled.

"I know about you already, Chriffon."

Then he shut his mind off completely, I had a strange feeling about him, it was like he was hiding something. I looked away, and headed downstairs, I needed sometime to just cool down. All of this stress of finding the book and conquering Mefanleen was killing me.

I sat down at the enormous square table under the chandelier. With a cup of coffee in my hand I leaned back in the chair, this was actually okay. Just sitting here, not a care in the world, but I knew it wouldn't last long. Soon we'd find the book and have to fight for our lives. But it would all be worth it in the end, we would avoid our terrible fate and live happily ever after, right? That's how stories always end, there's always a happy ending, and the heroes always win. The fearful part of this is though, this is no story, this is real life, there might not be a happy ending, we could just die like the others and the curse would continue.

Shaking my head I took a sip of the coffee, it burnt my tongue, but at least my mind would have something else to rant about. The sun finally rose and the light of it came through the door to the sun room. This house was truly beautiful, no doubt about it. The others had started making themselves at home too, Clary was in the living room with Daran watching tv, Natalie was doing Rose's hair upstairs, and Jace was checking out the sun room, just, admiring the view. Which I thought was astounding because Jace was one of the toughest people here, but as we've all kind of noticed, considering the way he acts towards Clary, Jace has a soft side. Although, Jace refuses to admit it.

I finished the rest of the coffee and got on my phone, it had started working again, but barely. There were 4 full bars, but the Internet was still going as slow as a turtle. I waited for Facebook to load and saw dozens of posts about me and the others going missing. I shut my phone off quick feeling the tears pushing on my eyelids, wanting to escape; and though I refused to let them, they still managed to find a way down my cheeks. Wiping them quickly Natalie walked into the room, with the braided hair Rose trailing behind her.

"Max, are you okay?" Natalie said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yea I'm okay, it's just, leaving my parents behind was tough ya know?"

"Yea, it was tough for all of us," she said looking down. Out of the blue a random cat walked in.

"Guys I think we have a problem." Wait, did that cat just talk?...

"Um..." I looked over at Natalie who was staring at the cat as if she had seen a ghost.

"Guys, it's me, Clary, and now I'm.... I think I'm a cat..." Well this was a very interesting morning. Clary had managed to shape shift into a cat, great... At least this had managed to brighten up my morning.

"Clary," I laughed. "How did you managed to turn yourself into a cat?"

"Me and Daran were watching "The Cat Whisper" and somehow I turned into a cat, I don't know how, I just did."

"Well that's interesting," Rose said amused. "Your new found ability could come in handy though."

"How am I gonna return to my human form?" Clary said, worry burning in her yellow green eyes.

"Just try and picture yourself a human again, obviously you had to have done the same to become a cat." Everyone turned to Jace who had just turned up. "What, y'all are looking at me as though I've got a pineapple for a head."

"A pineapple for a head?" Natalie repeated laughing hysterically. "Who says that?!?"

"Um, I do," he replied. But seriously though, why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"Well," Daran said emerging from the living room. "It looks like you're having problems this morning as well."

Jace looked down at his feet to see he had drug rock and dirt through the house and that it was sticking to his feet. "Well let's just say I tried to find out what my element was.... And well, I've found it now."

"You're element?" Clary meowed. "What's that?"

"It's basically finding out what power you have, for fire, earth, water, or air, the elements," Jace smiled adding. "And it looks like I'm earth. I could teach you all how to find it though."

"Well..." Clary said. "That would be wonderful, but I'm still a cat!" Suddenly Clary managed to transform back into a human, "Oh thank god!" She exclaimed.

"Well, now that your back to a human, let's start!" We all followed Jace into the living room, me bringing up the back. Everyone was pretty excited, but to be honest, I could care less. At least this would distract me from my thoughts. God my thoughts... It I was trapped in my mind, I would surely die. My thoughts are terrible. "Ok guys, I want you to sit Indian style, and try to meditate. Just listen to my voice, and I'll guide you on you're journey."

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