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Six people in cloaks sat in the middle of a small room. A living hearth in front of them, and beside them a table with a book on it, the book of Menodora. They wore cloaks of different colors, that not only resembled their outside characteristics, but of their inner features as well.

One was plain black, which belonged to the male servant, Daran. One was a darker green, which belonged to the male with green eyes, Eaole. One was Crimson, which belonged to the male with red eyes, Chriffon. Another was a cloak of a moon white, which belonged to the female with bright white hair and hypnotizing red eyes named Mayleen. Another was a deep twilight purple cloak, which belonged to the female with cascading dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes Serena. The last cloak was a deep blue, which belonged to the female with golden hair and bright blue eyes, Naolu.

They all sat together joining hands in front of the hearth. They chanted the ancient spell from the book of Menodora as they did each meeting. But this time something had gone terribly wrong, someone, something had tampered with the sacred book; and the fire from the hearth grew bigger and bigger, burning everyone and everything. They were all rushed to the hospital, all but one who stayed back, Serena. Her eyes were filled with sorrow when they told her everything was damaged, and it was most likely the book had burned. She had searched every crevice of the burnt home, but there was nothing.

On the darkest night, of the coldest winter, she created a eternity spell. A spell that would curse the next generations, to make them become one of them, witches and warlocks. She would continue cursing the generations, until one had completed the quest, to find the book of Menodora.

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