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Aurelio looked at Blair, wide-eyed, breathing slowly. You used to smoke. It's why we broke up. I saw the packs in your drawer. And it's not like he didn't even try to recall the incident-no, he racked his mind in search of the memory: of smoking, breaking up, stashing cigarette packs in his drawer.

But nothing.

His system stopped functioning with the effort, and pain pounded behind his forehead. He opened his mouth to speak. Water came in. He lifted his chin, raising it above the surface, spitting it out again.

"Elio, I didn't mean to make you feel bad," Blair said. "I just wanted you to know I appreciate the effort. I won't bring it up again if it makes you uncomfortable."

She missed the point by a mile, but it wasn't her fault. Aurelio wanted to explain, to insist that he'd never smoked and couldn't remember their breakup, but then again...he hadn't slept for two days now, hadn't eaten well, and was under the torment of a merciless headache. Was his judgement really valid? He'd forgotten his dad smoked for a second last time. Could this be another similar instance?

So Aurelio ended up saying nothing. Right now, he'd rather keep his mouth shut until he'd sort things out. Surely she'd think he was crazy if he told her all that. And she'd tell his parents and things would spiral out of control.

"I just wanna get out of the water," Aurelio said, then he swam towards the rocky brink. He trudged to the towel Leslie had spread on the ground and plopped down on it, knees to his chest, squinting against the sunlight as he looked around. Matt and Blair were still swimming, but Leslie was walking towards him now. Her wet hair reached a little below her shoulders. She adjusted the halter strap going over her collarbones, and Aurelio quickly looked away, scared of his own feelings.

With a content sigh, Leslie plopped down next to him. For a moment it was silent. She glanced around the place too, then her eyes landed on him. Aurelio met her gaze. Droplets trickled down her cheek.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Leslie said.

Aurelio looked away, playing with some pebbles beside him. "More like I've heard about one."

Leslie chuckled. When he didn't explain any further, she pursed her lips and hunched over, trying to get a better glance at his face. "I'd take this as a joke," she said, "but you actually sound so sad."

Aurelio shook his head. "I'm not. Just a little confused."

"A little?"


"Can't fool me, Elio. A little means a lot in your dictionary."

This made Aurelio smile a little. Leslie's knee pressed into his, and it sent goosebumps along his leg. He still refused to look at her square, but he caught a glimpse of her through his peripheral. Her and her gentle smile. Her and her almond-shaped eyes. Her and her gravity. It pulled answers out of him, and he hated it and he liked it.

"I can't concentrate on anything," Aurelio said. "It's like there's fog in my head."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Aurelio let out a tired, defeated sigh. "I need to, but I'm not sure I want to."

"My hair will be all white by the time you finally decide to talk."

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