Don't worry, darling, I will always be your safe Haven.

Start from the beginning

    Shigaraki refused to believe that happened, though (Y/n) wasn't essencial, she would make the plan a whole lot easier with her information obtaining quirk.

     "I'll take my leave" And so the woman left, leaving the group alone.

      "God damn it!" Shigaraki hit a rock close to him in frustation. However, they had to continue the plan, even if that meant only taking Bakugo.

      Dabi hummed wondering about the girl's current state, while Toga only voiced her mind by saying she still wanted the girl, powerful or not.


      "Come on, (Y/n)! Please say something! We found you out cold in the middle of the forest" Momo grabbed the girl's hand, but (Y/n) broke contact and only wrapped herself tighter on the cover of the infirmary bed.

      But as soon as she did that, (Y/n) reminded herself how she woke up in the infirmary and her power wasn't there to analyze her surroundings, she cried on the matress, worrying not only Momo, but Aizawa who still had no complete clue of what was happening.

    Although various teacher told the students to go work, they still were too worried to do their "plus ultra". "If you don't tell us what happened, we can't help."

    The girl cried even harder, her power wasn't there to tell her they were telling the truth, everything seemed so fake. The world felt so fake. "I don't know how to tie a shoe!" Aizawa, Momo and the infirmary lady sweatdropped.

    But it was way deeper than that, shoe tying was a simple task, and her power helped her. Now there was nothing to help her, nothing to be there for her. The 'Her' that was enough now dissapeared and turned into a human that knew nothing.

    "So you tripped and fell?" Aizawa questioned, he had seen the girl fall so many times, why was she crying now. She turned towards Aizawa, her tear stained cheek completely caught his attention.

    "Momo, I got this under control, go practice your quirk." Momo was about to complain but when she saw the look in his eyes, and immediately left.

     As soon as the infirmary girl left to get more supplies and Momo left, (Y/n) quickly stood up, immediately ripping her gloves off.

    Approaching Aizawa quickly, he didn't have a chance to complain about her sudden actions "What are you-" She patted his chest, gripped his arms "Will you stop groping m-" Hot tears fell from her face.

    As the word "it isn't working" repeatedly left her mouth, and at that moment Aizawa realized since she woke up, her eyes hadn't shined blue at least once. And everything fell into place.

   "IT ISN'T WORKING" Her voice cracked as she spoke a bit louder, startling the man as she crouched on the ground, trying to make the sickning felling on her tummy disappear.

   Crouching beside her, the man placed a hand on her shoulder, a sign that he was there. "It isn't working, Aizawa" It was the first time she said his name in such sadness. 

    "it's okay"

     "It's not okay!" The girl said, pulling for air "It's not! How will I remember things? How will I know if someone is saying the truth? How will I survive-" The girl stopped mid-way as a wave of tears came.

    "You'll manage-"

     "NO! I won't! I was divine, Aizawa!" Yet again, she said his name in such sadness. "I was a go-" She couldn't even finish the word before crying. God, how that word hurted.

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