XVII - I Miss You

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"So Senku's grave is where we exchange materials, huh?" Kohaku began as they headed back to the village with Homura finally captured.

An amused chuckle left the scientist's lips, "It's a perfect holy ground. Tsukasa's men don't have any interest in my grave."

"And even if they go there often, his men would think its just to pay respects" Kinro said.

"They're going to gather there to communicate with the dead" Senku spoke with a mischievous tone. "It's the birth of the ghost communicator... I'm sure Taiju's brains would stop processing after finally acquiring a special phone manufactured by the Kingdom of Science."

"You seem excited Senku" Kohaku pointed out. "You must miss them a lot."

A knowing smile crept on the scientist's face. It had been long since he last heard of him and Yuzuriha. What made him more exhilirated was the possibility of hearing her annoying voice again for so long...

Kinro and Kohaku exchange looks seeing the strange expression on Senku's face. "He must miss them so much."

"Him and that Taiju person must have such a close bond" Ginro replied.


Kaoru let out a sneeze as she stretched her joints under the morning sun. She rubbed her runny nose, her eyes slightly tearing up. "Curse these sniffles" she groaned.

"Are you sure you're fine walking around?" Yuzuriha asked, concerned for her friend's condition.

"Its just an early sign that spring's near" Kaoru replied with a nasal tone. "At least my reaction's early compared before. Give it a week at most and I'll be fine."

"But you don't have any medicine this time Kaoru, w-what if-" Yuzuriha slightly hesitated. "You'll die sneezing?!"

"Why the heck are you thinking like that?!" Kaoru was baffled. "I know my nose is kinda sensitive, but its not like it'll kill me!!!"

"Yuzuriha, Kaoru, good morning" Taiju greeted as he met up with the two girls.

"Good morning Taiju-kun" Yuzuriha replied sweetly.

"Morning" Kaoru spoke in a nasal tone, sneezing once again.

"Shall we head out now?" Taiju asked.

The two girls nodded in response. Together, the 3 of them headed for Senku's grave. One of their daily routines in the Tsukasa Empire. It was Senku's request before they separated paths.

To Kaoru, it was the makeshift place of comfort for her. Being woken up sooner or later, she had missed a lot of things. Her beginning in the Stone World was rough; civilization was lost, she was confused, and she thought her best friend was murdered. The struggle didn't end there. These past months have been hard- especially with the notion of Hyoga wishing to kill her and the upcoming war soon to happen. She had to prepare herself to not only stand her ground but protect those near to her.

As they arrived at his grave, the memory of Hyoga attacking her flashed before her eyes. Unconsciously she gripped unto Taiju's coat. The big oaf glanced back at her with brows rose, "Kaoru?"

Realizing what happened, she let go and let out an awkward chuckle. "I-It's nothing."

Taiju blinked. He was about to question some more but Yuzuriha spoke up. "Huh?" She mumbled as she knelt down to the ground, somewhat fixated by it. Taiju and Kaoru did so as well. The female brunette began, "Kao-chan, Taiju-kun. Look..."

The two glanced at the girl. Yuzuriha leaned closer to them and spoke in a whisper. "Someone's dug it up at some point."

Upon pointing it out, Kaoru then noticed the grounf had become un even. Her eyes widened.

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