VI - Dizzy Spell

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Henloo!!! How's the story so far? I know the plot is kinda slow, but don't worry- everything will fall in place soon. I apologize in advance if this chapter feels a bit rushed. I've been so busy lately with some stuff that I wasn't able to focus on writing...

Anyways, back the story...

Oh and things are just getting started. ;3333


"Wait up, Senpai!" Kaoru called out as she struggled to pass through some bushes. Her hooded cloak was caught unto some twigs causing the girl to fall back. "Darn these bushes!"

With a swing of her blade, she managed to break free- although it caused her to tumble to the ground as she suddenly pulled away too soon. The light-haired male halted in his tracks and glanced back at her. His brows furrowed in confusion at what had just happened. "Are you sure it's a good idea to run around with that cloak on? It'll only get in the way."

"What? No way!" Kaoru responded as she stood up. Tugging unto the end of her cloak and hugging it tightly. "Yuzuriha made this for me and I'm not going to discard it."

"And it's not the cloak that's dragging me down" she took a deep breath, staggering to catch up to him. "It's the fact I have to catch up to someone who's running from tree to tree. With someone who has no sense of time, how in the world do you wake up so early and have that energy to muster!?"

"I don't really know what to say" Ukyo responded awkwardly. He was perched on a branch, not far from her. Unlike Kaoru who had been traveling on the ground, Ukyo had been jumping from tree to tree to travel faster. "If you like, I could help you out in getting used to jumping from trees."

"No way! I've had enough tree accidents to last me a lifetime" She quickly replied which took Ukyo aback.

"Tree accidents?" Ukyo blinked.

"Just unforgettable events in the past" She brushed off.

"Alright... If you say so" Ukyo then jumped off the branch he was on and landed safely on the ground. "Well... Since we've already scouted the area, why don't we take a break first before heading back."

"Oh, thank goodness I thought you'd never suggest that" Kaoru sighed in relief and plopped back unto the ground.

"I'm surprised you get tired easily" Ukyo noted as he decided to take a seat by a tree not far from her. He leaned unto the bark and made himself comfortable.

Kaoru glanced to the male, "I may be a gymnast, but I still get tired."

That was only a lie to hide the truth of what she had been doing the night before. She and Yuzuriha were busy putting back fragments of crushed statues that Tsukasa had destroyed. It was a difficult task, especially the fact they had to do it at night when no one was watching. Kaoru might have gone a little overboard and worked more than what Yuzuriha had suggested causing her to get only a few hours of sleep before the same girl had woken her up to breakfast.

Yet she didn't have to tell Ukyo this, since he'll clearly just report it back to Tsukasa.

She then rolled herself, now laying on her back, and continued, "What do you think I am, some superhuman like the Big Oaf?"

"Big Oaf? Oh, you mean Taiju was it?" Ukyo spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, if you want someone with endless stamina- he's the guy you need" Kaoru let out a yawn. "He'll be able to sprint here and to the village in no sweat-"

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