X- A Father's Treasure

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"Senku I'm ba-"

"Eh? But wouldn't that cause the rocket to explode?!" The high-pitched shrieked took Byakuya aback. He quietly crept to his son's room and took a peak at the new visitor he had. It was the usual sight in his son's room, cluttered with different gizmos and gadgets- of course, he found Senku in the middle of it all building some sort of contraption.

It was the usual scene every time he'd look inside, but the only difference this time was a newfound visitor by his son's side. It was a dark-haired girl around the same age as him, nose and mouth covered with a face mask. She had cerulean eyes that were at the moment focusing on the book she was holding. Her gaze shifted back and forth from the boy.

'Since when has Senku befriended a girl?' Byakuya wondered. Most of the time, it was Taiju who would help Senku out in his experiments. This was the first time Senku had brought another friend over to help him out.

"There's a 50-50 chance it will" Senku spoke up.

"Then shouldn't make adjustments to it?" The girl questioned. "Wouldn't our efforts be wasted if it just exploded into smithereens just like that?"

"I don't mind if it explodes, we can just do it all over again" He replied earning a baffled look from the girl. Byakuya wasn't surprised at his son's response.

The girl's exasperated expression turned into a relaxed one. She let out a heavy sigh as she took off her mask and laid on his bed, "I can't believe you're making me work twice as hard today, it's my first time visiting your home and here you are breaking my back with loads of work."

"Come on, it's not that much... Besides, the big oaf's going to join us later after he buys all the supplies I needed" Senku said continuing on with his craft. "Now get off my bed and help me out here."

"5 minutes~" The girl purred as she made herself comfortable in Senku's bed. "You're bed so comfy, I'm jealous."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" He responded as he focused back on his tinkering. "You're going to wrinkle my sheets."

"I'll fix it later" She murmured. "Anyways, who's the old geezer standing outside?"

At that moment Byakuya panicked, how in the world had she detected him? He was certain he was quiet as he walked through the hallway. Is Senku aware as well?

"Your nose sure has its wonders," Senku said as he stood up from his place and turned towards the door. "You heard her old man, she knows you've been eavesdropping on us."

There was no point in running away or hiding, he decided to come clean and enter inside. Byakuya scratched the back of his head sheepishly. He let out an awkward chuckle as he asked, "How long did you guys know?"

"Don't ask me, ask Kaoru over there" Senku pointed at the girl who now sat up.

Cerulean eyes widened, focusing on the older Ishigami. "You must be Senku's father!" She quickly stood up and bowed. "My name's Kaoru Maeno! I'm a friend of your stubborn son over there who always breaks my back and tortures my nose with his experiments."

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