XI- Fears and Failures

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This is gonna be one long chapter of talking back and forth~

And if you guys are Gen stans or simps, I hope you guys will like this chapter;)))


Kaoru placed herself on top of a branch, having a clear view of the area. Her eyes focused on the village guard who now stood in a battle stance Slowly, he backs away to the bridge.

'He's luring them unto the bridge' Kaoru noted. 'He must be engaging them in a one-on-one battle... Hyoga's army may not be that large, but it doesn't mean it has to be underestimated.'

Her eyes then focused on the direction of the other villager who was scurrying towards the merrymaking. But rather than anticipating the village's reaction, she had to watch the battle unfolding by the bridge.

Hyoga's men, Gozan and his single brian-celled crew were first to approach the village guard. As the gorilla-bod man charged at the village guard he was met with a harsh jab on the face from the butt of the guard's sphere causing him to crash back unto his allies.

'He's strong!' She commented eyes widened in amazement. Seeing how one man managed to take down 3 people at once made Kaoru wonder if her intervention was really needed. They may be primitives, but it doesn't they're weak.

It was too early for her to celebrate upon seeing who was the next to challenge the village guard. Her eyes narrowed, in spite, she muttered his name as if it was a curse. "Hyoga..."

At the moment Hyoga stepped forward, he instantly jabbed his sphere unto the guard hitting his shield. It was so fast. Kaoru could sense how strong Hyoga's hit was upon seeing it managed to push back the guard. At that moment she could tell Hyoga was on a different level from them.

Without giving the guard time to react, Hyoga jabbed once again- this time successfully piercing him in the gut. Kaoru's eyes widened as the guard was thrown over the bridge.

'He's going to die!' She watched with gritted teeth as the guard was dangling on the side of the bridge at Hyoga's mercy. Her fists balled tightly having an internal battle whether to use it or not. 'He's going to die... Hyoga won't show any mercy... But, can I do it?'

She shook off the doubts within her feeling foolish. If Hyoga kills anyone one of the villagers, then her purpose for coming would just be pointless. This ordeal wasn't just about protecting Senku, it was protecting what blessing Byakuya-san has left behind.

Upon making a resolve, Kaoru pulled out a crossbow that she had made Taiju and Yuzuriha grab from the storage area. She never wanted to resort to using such a weapon- she had no intention of getting her hands dirty but if the situation calls for it, she must.

She pulled over her hood and loaded the crossbow, aiming it at Hyoga. Her breathe hitch as she aimed for his back, finger dangling by the trigger. She tried to take a deep breath calming herself down yet something was stopping her.

"W-Why am I hesitating?" She breathed. "Come on, I have to... Or else he'll die. If Hyoga's gone then the only threat left will be Tsukasa... Just one click and it's over. It's so easy but why? Why am I hesitating? Did Tsukasa have second thoughts about killing Senku? Did Hyoga have second thoughts in attacking the guard? Why should I have as well?"

As she clenched her teeth, her finger was about to pull the trigger-

"I won't let you touch Hyoga-sama." In a split second, Kaoru managed to dodge a dagger that swung behind her- narrowly missing her cheek, only cutting the edge of her hood. Despite being able to evade the attack, it resulted in her crashing badly onto the ground.

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