V - Heightened Guard

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As the sun began to set, everyone prepared themselves for the warm night ahead. Once the sky was dark, it was dinner time. While almost everyone in Tsukasa's empire feasted on caught meat and freshly picked fruits, there were two people who had no appetite at the moment.

Yuzuriha and Taiju were restless for the past days upon finding out Kaoru had been imprisoned. Both of them were worried for her wellbeing at the fact she had been told about the sudden death of Senku- even though it wasn't really true. They knew they had to tell her the truth and tell her what Senku had been planning.

"Poor Kaoru... All alone, in that cell" Taiju mumbled as he chews on his meat. The male wanted to see her so badly- he even insisted on barging into the cells by himself. Although thankfully Yuzuriha managed to stop him from doing so. But the girl still shared the same worries for their friend.

"I wonder how she's holding up?" Yuzuriha mumbled as she looked down on her soup. "We weren't allowed to see her. Whatever had happened between her and Tsukasa must've angered him."

"I don't care what happened to them! Tsukasa's wrong to imprison Kaoru!" Taiju exclaimed. "She must be starving... cold... alone... She must be dying to go to the toilet upon being stuck in her cell for almost two days now-"

"I was fed well, idiot" A bothered voice cut him off.

Yuzuriha and Taiju turned their head, eyes widened in surprise. The aforementioned girl stood before them, hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

"And what's this about me going to the toilet that's-"

"Kaoru!!!" Quickly Taiju lunged himself at her and gave the girl a bone-crushing hug. The girl let out a harsh gasp at the tight hug.

"Y-You're going to kill me, idiot! Let go of me! You stink!"

Upon breaking free from his grasp, Kaoru took a deep breath, mustering all the self-control she could channel to not beat the heck out of Taiju.

"As you can see, I'm alright- although being stuck in the cell was really boring if you ask me. At least Tsukasa finally freed me" She said casually in hopes to not worry her friends even more. Yet, it was clear that Yuzuriha and Taiju were deeply worried about her with the looks they gave. The girl shrugged, feeling a bit guilty she made her friends worry for her.

"Listen, I'm alright. And maybe things just got a bit out of hand... But looks like it's all fine now since for some reason Tsukasa's made me work under him" She said awkwardly.

"Eh?" Her two friends gave blank stares.

"Yeah shocking right? I now work for one of his close underlings, Ukyo-san" Kaoru informed as she pointed at the male who was sitting on a tree branch not far from them. Taiju and Yuzuriha blinked for a moment until they let out a gasp.

"Did Tsukasa threaten you Kaoru?!"

"What kind of work are you supposed to do!?"

Kaoru wasn't able to pinpoint which of them asked which questions as they quickly shook her like mad. It made her confuse and all nauseous, her head spinning.

"I-I'm gonna puke damn you!" She squeaked.

Finally letting go of her, her two friends calmed down. Yuzuriha was the one who spoke up, "I guess Tsukasa isn't that weary of you then" she let out an airy chuckle. "That's good to hear, seeing as he still trusts you."

Taiju nodded in agreement. "Yeah! To think he'd give you an important spot! That's amazing Kaoru!"

"Right..." She responded, scratching her cheek. She then let out a heavy sigh, her eyes suddenly became sullen.

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