Honeymoon night, Back to that night before the accident.

"I'm sorry, Dane! Please forgive me! I'm sorry! I thought this would just be for fun! I didn't know! Please forgive me!" Gavin repeatedly said, which made Dane feels confused and shocked while listening to what his man was saying right now

"What do you mean, Love? Why are you so sorry?" Dane asked Gavin even though he was unsure if Gavin would answer him. His heart is pumping so hard because of nervousness. He has suspicion already about what this is all about. He doesn't want it to be real.

"I'm sorry, Dane! I'm sorry, but all of this is because of a bet! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"


How can he do this to me! I gave him everything! He said he loves me! He said that I'm his everything! He is my everything, but he chooses to play with me! He decides to betray me! What should I do!

God! My heart is breaking again! Why did you let this happen! Why did you bring back all this memory just to hurt me like this! Why! You shouldn't have brought me back everything! I don't care if I don't know everything and will continue to be fooled by that man instead of feeling like this!

Is everything a lie? Is everything he said to be a lie? But how can he lie so brilliantly like that! Everything that he said seems to be real, every I love you! His every touch! His every hug felt so comfortable that it made me always feel at home! Like in his arms is my true home! His every kisses me. I feel so loved and cared about! Is everything a lie and just because of a stupid bet?

Did Gavin really love me? If not, why did he stay even though I already forgot about him? I remember how devastated he was when I let go of him. I saw how he tried to beg me multiple times to stay with him! To remember him! Remember how much I love him and how much he loves me! I remember the tears and the look on his face!

Is that all a lie? Is Every word a lie? Every feeling that he showed me is a lie? But how can he do this to me! How can he execute everything so flawlessly, and for what? For money? For a car? To have fun? How can he do this! What did I do wrong to deserve all of this! What did I do to make him see that I deserve to be in pain like this!

How? Why me? Why always me? First, Hai left me! I moved on and learned to pick up myself again, then there he was! Coming into my life like he was some savior, my knight, and shining armor ready to sweep me off my feet and save me!

But in the end, that very knight who saved me from my first is the one who now is giving me much greater pain! The kind of pain that is making me feel like wanting to die! I just what this pain to stop! Please help me stop!

How can I stop!


Dane arrives inside his parent's home. His parents were busy preparing their dinner when Dane suddenly entered the house looking so lost. His mom Clarisse instantly put down everything she held earlier and approached his son.

"Son! Why are you here? What happened? Where is your husband?" Clarisse confusedly asked his son. Dane slowly lifted his head to look at his mom. Clarisse was so shocked upon seeing the look on his son's face!

His eyes were red already! It looks like he just finished crying so hard, but his eyes also show that he is now on the verge of crying again.

"Son! What happened! Did you cry? Why? What happen?" Clarisse worriedly asked his son, Dane's dad, who heard it too, immediately ran to meet his son.

"Son?" Dane's dad worried called his son's name. Dane just looked at him, without a few seconds after, he started to cry.

"Oh, God! Dane! Why are you crying!" Dane was crying so hard that he instantly dropped to the floor. His parent's also lowered themselves to meet him.

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