Chapter 10

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Dane entered the house, it was already 10 pm, and he didn't know yet if Gavin was already home. Dane didn't receive anything from him, which is unusual because he constantly calls him every hour asking Dane how he is but today, nothing!

Dane wonders what happened to him, but at the same time, He is relieved because he was able to give his full attention to his boyfriend, Hai, earlier and not think about someone else.

Dane casually walks inside their room, but as he opens the light. That is when he realizes that Gavin is already here and silently sitting by the end of the bed.

"Oh, God! I felt scared! Why are you so silent, and why is our room so dark?" Dane casually asked him.

He lifted his face and looked at Dane. He can see the look on his face. The anger and disappointment are so apparent.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dane confusedly asked him. He then stands from the bed and slowly walk towards Dane but still not living his gaze on his wife

Dane doesn't know why, but why does he feel nervous about this

"Gavin! What..." Dane couldn't didn't finish his words when Gavin suddenly grip on his arms.

"ouch! Gavin! It hurts! Why are you..." Gavin didn't let Dane finish his words

"Who the f*ck is that guy!" Gavin angrily asked Dane, which made the man feel so shocked at the same time afraid of him!

Dane feels like he couldn't recognize this side of him! He didn't expect Gavin was capable of being like this to him! Gavin is always all smiles at him, but this time he is fuming!

"Who are you talking to, Gavin! Please let me go! I feel hurt already! Let me go! Please let me go! Ouch!" Dane keep on begging Gavin, but it seems that the man is not hearing him because he is just holding Dane tighter

"I said! Who the f*ck is that man!" Gavin angrily yelled at Dane

"Who? I don't know what you're talking about!" Dane yelled back, which made Gavin angrier!

"Are you still going to deny it, Dane! I saw you! I saw both of you! I followed you to every place that you go! I look like a f*cking stalker, for God's sake! I've been trying so hard not to make a scene to every place you go to because I don't want to embarrass you, but this is too much, Dane! Who the F*ck is he! Tell me! Are you cheating on me? F*cking tell me!" Dane was shocked upon hearing what Gavin said.

"He followed me? How did he know?" Dane asks himself, and he cannot answer Gavin's question because he doesn't know how to tell him anything without hurting him!

"How can this man take it. How can this man watch us for everything that we did! Did he also hear us?" Dane keeps asking himself.

"Answer me!" Gavin yelled again, making made him snap out of his thoughts.

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