Chapter 23

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"Oh shoot! Babe! I left my notebook in the car! It contains all the dish ingredients that I want to explore this week! Uhmmm, Can you stay here for a while and continue to get our snacks, then I will go back first to our car to get it?" Dane asks his husband.

"Oh! I can accompany you!" Gavin said to his husband, but Dane held his arms tighter and shook his head as an answer

"No need, Love! Besides, we already got so much stuff, and if we go outside, someone might get it and put it back on the shelves thinking that someone deliberately left this here. I can manage love! Besides, it's just outside, right in front of the store! I will be back right away!" Dane smilingly said to Gavin, trying to convince him not to go with him. Gavin thought so hard at first, but in the end, he still agreed.

"Okay, Love! If that's what you want! I will wait for you here at the snack section! Please hurry, a! I don't know the other things that we need to get, e!" Gavin shyly said to his husband. Dane chuckles a little while hearing what his husband says.

"I promise!" Then Dane proceeds on going outside.

But as he walked to the parking lot where they parked their car, He saw a small cat in the middle of the lot, and he, a cat lover, couldn't bear to ignore it. He quickly ran into it to try and save the hopeless cat, but the next thing he knew was.

On the other part, where Gavin is still inside the big grocery store, he can't ignore anymore that he is starting to feel weird. The feeling of something might be wrong. He can't pinpoint what it is because it's just a feeling, so he decides to break his promise to his husband and leave the cart beside a cashier stall.

"Miss! I will be back for this cart. Can I leave it here for a short while? I need to go to my husband outside to help him on something?" Gavin smilingly asked the cashier. Thankfully, the stall doesn't have customers yet. The lady cashier smiles at Gavin before answering back his request.

"Oh, Don't worry, Sir! You can leave it by the side so that it will not hinder if there is a customer that will go to my queue." She smilingly said

"Of course!" Gavin then slowly moved the cart to the side. He didn't forget to look again at the cashier and say his thanks

"Thank you! Miss!" He smilingly said

"No problem, Sir!" Then Gavin proceeds to go outside to check on his husband. He is walking to go outside. Within a minute, he arrives out and immediately looks for Dane. He doesn't know why, but his heart is starting to feel congested and beating so fast. The last time he feels this way is when Dane gets into an accident and almost loses his life. He put his hands on his chest to feel his heart.

"Why am I feeling this way? Why?" Gavin nervously said. He tries his best to ignore what he feels right now and continue to go to his husband. Only seeing his Husband will make him stop feeling this way. He tried to call him but no answer, so he continued to walk until...

"Dane~!" Gavin scream as loud as he can

It feels like his heart had stopped beating when he saw the current situation of his husband. He instantly dropped his phone and started to run

Gavin arrived at the spot where Dane is right now. He immediately lowered himself to check his husband. Gavin's heart is beating so loud that others might hear it. He is so afraid of the scene that he saw just now.

Dane was nearly run over by a car earlier while saving a cat. Thankfully, the driver of the SUV van was able to stop, almost 4 inches near Dane. Dane was so shocked about what had happened. He just remained at his spot, looking shocked.

"Love! Are you okay!" Gavin nervously asked. His husband seems to be out of it while holding the cat he saves earlier.

"What the f*ck is your problem staying in the middle of the road! If you want to kill yourself! Don't f*cking involve me in it! You f*cking shit! Such a hassle!" The SUV driver angrily said that when he went outside of his car to look for the person, he had almost run over. Gavin, who heard all of it, became so angry! He immediately stood on his feet was about to charge the man but was stopped when someone suddenly held his left hand.

It was Dane!

"Gavin!" Dane can't seem to finish what he was about to say because of his overwhelming feeling! Gavin lowered his body again to meet his husband's gaze. It seems that he forgets about the driver because his only focus now is with Dane. Gavin tried to hold his husband's cheeks but was shocked when Dane suddenly flinched on his spot, looking so scared.

"Love? What's wrong?" Gavin confusedly asked his husband. He felt a little hurt about Danes's reaction to his touch, the last time Dane was like this to him was when Dane had his amnesia, forgot all about him and being his husband, but at the same time, Gavin tries his best not to show it to him. Dane's feeling is more important than him right now. Gavin tries to hold Dane's shoulder. Thankfully, Dane doesn't seem to be alerted by it again.

"Love? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you want me to bring you to the hospital?" Gavin nervously asked his wife, but instead of answering him, Dane stood back up, so Gavin just helped him.

"I'm out of here! Such a hassle!" The driver angrily said as he stepped inside his car and drove away from Dane and Gavin.

Dane seems to be okay now because he could walk out of the middle of the parking lot and put the cat into safety again, but he is still not talking to Gavin.

"Off you go, little kitten. I'm sorry I can't bring you home! My mom is allergic to cats! Don't worry. I will try to revisit you if I have time and if you are still here!" Dane smilingly said as he brought down the tiny kitten he was holding. The kitten slowly goes away from Dane's sight, making the man a little sad. Gavin is just beside Dane, watching every move of his wife.

"Baby? Are you okay? Is there something wrong with you? Are you not hurt? You know we can drop by..." He couldn't finish what he was saying when Dane suddenly looked back at him, but.

His gaze is very different from the Dane he was with inside the grocery store. Gavin feels a little nervous, but he doesn't want to show it to his Husband. All he cares about right now is making sure that Dane is okay. That everything between them is OK.

"Gavin, uhm~ can we go home? I'm a little shocked about what happened earlier. I want to go home." Dane said without looking at Gavin.

"Huh? Why so sudden, baby? Are you okay? How about our groceries? I thought you want..." Gavin couldn't finish what he was saying when Dane looked at him straight in the eye.

He seems angry or annoyed. Gavin is not sure about his husband's facial expression. What he is confident of is that he is starting to feel afraid.

Afraid of what is coming! He is unsure why or what changed, but he is terrified now.

"Do you think I care about that f*cking groceries! I said I wanted to go home! So, please! Just bring me home! Don't you know what just happened to me earlier! Please! Just bring me home!" Dane is almost shouting, which makes Gavin more startled. Dane was never like this to him except when he had his amnesia. Dane saw the shocked and afraid look on Gavin's face that his facial expression drastically changed and became softer.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to yell at you! It's just that! Argh! Never mind! I'm begging you, Gavin! Please bring me home! Please! I just want to go home!" Dane is almost begging. Gavin just closed his eyes for a second to try to calm himself down, then he looked at his husband again and smiled at him.

"Of course, Love! If that's what you want! We will go home!" Gavin smilingly said to his husband but behind that smile was full of confusion and question.

Dane didn't answer Gavin and just continued to walk to their car.

To be continued


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