Chapter 01

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"Love, is this enough? I'm not sure what to do! I haven't experienced having so many guests before for an occasion. Also, the budget? Aren't we exceeding already?" I said to my fiancée here. I'm currently sitting on his lap while we are choosing what food and how many dishes should we choose for our upcoming wedding next month

"Choose whatever you like, love. I don't mind whatever you like, and please stop thinking about the money! I told you! The money is not a problem, right? my parents love you so much that they were rushing our wedding already because they want you to be our family as soon as possible." He smilingly said to me. I just snaked my arms on his nape before speaking again

"It's only your parents that want me to join your family already? How about you, love? You don't want me to marry you yet? Am I rushing here?" I sadly asked him. I acted hurt because of what he said, even though I knew what I said was not true. I know this man loves me so much to marry me and not because his parent is rushing him; I just love to tease him. Gavin pulled me closer by encircling his arms into my body. Our forehead is kissing each other. I just smile at him while he does this. He then moves away before speaking to me while looking straight into my eyes.

"Of course not, love! I'm never rushing here. I already told you, right! Even though we just graduated from college and I'm just starting to work at my father's company, one thing that I'm never rushing is marrying you! I love you so much that I can't wait to be married to you as soon as possible! I just want you to be mine! As in real mine!" He said to me intently. I can only smile so widely while hearing him say this to me. His face slowly went near me, and the next thing I knew was he was kissing me so passionately again like he was sipping my life and soul out of my very body. He kissed me so hungrily with matching playing inside of my mouth using his tongue. Swirling and tasting every bit of my insides

Gosh! I always surrender my all to him. We kissed so hungrily that we decided to let go of our breath.

"I love you so much, Love! Don't you ever doubt that? You are my life and my all. I choose you to spend my life with because I know I can't live without you. Without you before, I feel like I'm living like a living corpse. My life is meaningless and colorless. You change my love! Who I am now is because of you! I love you to death!" He smilingly said to me, and when he was about to push himself toward me again for another kiss when I noticed that all of the people around us were staring at us, looking so happy. I quickly pulled him into a tight hug instead of whispering something into his ear.

"I love you too. I love it so much! But I have something to confess to you! I'm just acting like I'm sad earlier. Of course, I know that you love me. I will never agree for you to marry me if I don't!" I said to him. He looked so shocked then I pulled myself away from our hug.

"You did what?" He asked me while looking so bad at me. Omg! I know that look! Oh no! I quickly get up from his lap and run to the other side of the table

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