Chapter 12

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It's been three days ever since Gavin and I had separated our ways. I should be happy now. I should be feeling okay now! I should be feeling free, but why do I feel that? I'm missing something! I feel like there is a part of me that is missing something that I can't pinpoint what the hell is! I'm trying my best to move on and continue to live my life just like before. I want to move on and be okay again!

Here I am outside my family house waiting for my boyfriend to come here to visit me formally. This is the first time that he will meet my parents formally, which made me so happy and nervous about what might be the result of this meeting. My parents have been pursuing me none stop to come back to Gavin. I know that Gavin has been going here every day since I left him. I can see him bringing many items for me. My parents are so sad for him; I can see that, but what can I do! I can't push myself to do what they want, especially if I'm not happy about it. I can still remember the last conversation earlier when he came by to bring me baskets of food again! My mom and Gavin didn't know that I was listening to them.


"I'm sorry about what happened, Gavin! I'm sorry for Dane choosing to leave you. I tried to talk to him about it, but he is not bulging, you know your dad and I can't stay here, right? So as much as possible, we want Dane to stay with you, especially since you are his husband, but you know Dane! He's very true to his decisions. Once he decides on something, he will do everything to make it happen! We can't make him choose otherwise! His behavior didn't change despite his amnesia!" My mom said to Gavin. I just saw Gavin hold my mom's hand and smile at her

"It's okay, mom! You don't have to worry! It is why I choose to let him go. I choose to let him do what he wants! I don't want to impose my desires on him if it only hurts him! I love him so much, mom! But I can't continue to pursue him to stay with me if he doesn't want to! I don't want to hurt him just for my happiness! I vow to make him happy and if this is what will make him happy again! I can always choose to set aside my feelings and continue to wait for him! I can always wait for him, Mom! I don't care how long it will take but what's important to me is that he is here and happy! I will always stay right here and support him! It's my job and duty as his husband! I'm his husband!" I can hear and feel by Gavin's voice that he is discouraged and hurting! Their some part of me that is aching with him! Hearing him be like this makes me feel a slight sting right here in my chest! What is happening to me! I choose this. I decide to stay away from him because I know I don't love him! He is a stranger to me, but why do I feel this way!

Why! I don't understand!

I can hear that my mom is starting to sob again.

"I'm sorry that this is happening to the both of you, Gavin! I know how much my son loves you, and I know how much you love him too! I can see and feel that! The day of your wedding is the most beautiful and magical moment in both your life! My son is so happy that day which makes me and his dad so happy too because finally he already finds the love he deserves! The love that will always choose him over anything in this world! The love that accepts him for who he is! The love will remain constant for him forever, but this happens! Why did this have to happen to the two of you! Why! I know my son! He might think that he doesn't love you and you are a stranger to him, but I know deep inside him, he is hurting that you aren't by his side anymore! The love between the of you should be celebrated and not like this! It shouldn't be so cruel like this!" I heard my mom say while sobbing. I tried to see them. Briefly, Gavin is just hugging my mom. I think to try and comfort him

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