For weeks after Luca tough me how to close the bond, I trained myself to control my emotions. I was getting better on it, but sometimes in moment like this, I just couldn't.

Valeria didn't say anything. She just smiled at me and that smile alone managed to warmth my heart. And I knew wasn't alone, no matter what.

This is enough.


Valeria and I walked in to the living room while chatting about Disney. She loved it with passion and I loved it when she talked about it.

The shimmer in her eyes made my heart beat faster. The smile that graced her face made the my breath hitched. And I loved every second of it.

"And Elsa. Of course, Elsa was so beautiful. I wish I have her long white hair. It must be-" her words cut shot when suddenly two figures engulfed her.

I was about to attack them but suddenly an image that Valeria was talking with the two men that have similar features with Luca came into my mind.

His brothers.

"My Lord. I missed you so much. Don't ever do that again," the man that dressed in black suit said. He was a tall man with brown hair and blue slightly green eyes.

The other man was wearing more relaxed clothes. He was a little bit shorter with black hair and green eyes. He didn't say anything but I could see he was too emotional by the way he was hugging Valeria.

Valeria giggled at them and reciprocated the hug. She sighed softly and closed her eyes.

"I'm okay," she said softly. The men grunted in response, not budging from the hug.

"Don't suffocate my beloved," Luca's voice broke the peace of that surrounding them.

He came behind me and pulled me into his chest. I leaned back, enjoying his touch. I missed him.

I didn't get to see Valeria and Luca for a couple of days. And let me tell you, that it was a torture.

Staring at me, the men reluctantly removed themselves from Valeria. They eyed me confusedly.

"Who might you be?" the man in suit asked me. When I was about to answer, Valeria beat me into it.

"He is our other beloved," she said with broad smile on her face, which making me smile as well.

Both man gasped quietly and stared at me like I was some kind of miracle. I wondered if they already had a beloved.

I just gave the a half-smile, not knowing what to do.

After a few second of silence, Valeria dragged them to the kitchen after saying "Let's go to the kitchen. I'll make something for you while we catch up."

Luca and I looked at each other and smiled knowingly at this afternoon was going to be interesting.


Interesting afternoon indeed.

After introducing Sebastian and Adam to me, Valeria and the of them dived into their own world. Completely forgetting Luca and I.

So, Luca and I decided to have some alone time which was consisted of cuddling and kissing.

"I'm afraid," Luca whispered to me. His fingers danced on skin, creating trail of shiver through my body.

"Is it about Jane?" I asked him. There was not a secret that Jane was constantly in our mind. I had to admit that she was very smart. Even with the intel that Luca had gained, he was always one step behind her.

"Yes. I can't go through that again. Not with Valeria. Not with you," he said. The fear was evident in his eyes.

"I know. We just have to be careful," I told him, "And if something happens, know that I will always find my way back to you. Both of you."

I didn't even register the words that came from my mouth. And it shocked both me and Luca.

With furrowed eyebrows, he asked me, "Why are you saying things like that?"

"I-I... I don't know," I breathe while shaking my head. I knew he could see the concern in my eyes, but I didn't even know the reason behind my words.

It just felt like I had to say those words to him. He just had to know.

Shaking myself from my own thoughts, I pulled him closer to me. I just wanted to enjoy the silence peacefully.


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