Chapter eight

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That awkward tension. That feeling you get after you leave a bleeding man on the sidewalk and ditch a wedding you didn't want to have, to go with some hazel eyed stranger that has been driving for the last twenty minutes and hasn't said a word to you. Yeah, that awkward tension.

I took another quick glance to the man to my left seeing him in the same state as before. He could be taking me to my death for all I know, but then again it would be better than staying with Jake. A shiver of disgust went down my back at the thought. Seeing me move, he finally slowed down the car and glanced over to me. We looked at one another for awhile before he turned back to the road.

"You look like hell." well that's lovely to.

"Thanks," I grumbled. "Where are you taking me? "

" North."

He shut up after that and drove on making me sigh. My head thundered as the quick events of the ceremony jumbled up together. All I could remember the sick feeling of pure evil once the candles went out and the bone chilling growls.

I jumped once I heard the door slam and looked around to see an old diner and hazel eyes walking towards it. I, not so gracefully, tumbled out the car and scurried in after him. He weaved in and out the tables towards the back as I took in the vaguely familiar diner. It hit like a ton of bricks once I saw the small booth in the corner.

"David.." I breathed out in realization.

He glanced over his shoulder giving me a once over before turning around and ignoring me again. Once we were in the kitchen he stripped his suit jacket and tie and grabbed a thick bag in the corner by the stove.  Pushing the back door open to the back lot before turned around quickly to me. He shoved a pair of sweats and a tee shirt at me.

"Go change in the kitchen. You have two minutes. "

I sighed once he went storming off to a rougher looking car. With a few rips and buttons popping off I finally got the red mess off my body. It felt nice to wear actual clothes on my body, I felt safer some how. They smelled like him, coffee beans and vanilla. Gathering the mess I went out to see him leaning on the car. He took the dress from my hands and dropped it in the dirt before lighting a match and throwing it on the pile. A tingle of joy went through me as we watched it burn for a few seconds before he told me we had to leave.

We must have been on the road for hours. I didn't dare look at the clock because then I would fall asleep and heaven knows I don't want to walk in my nightmares, and I don't think David would be too keen to my screaming. But, sometime during the drive I did nod off into a state of awake but asleep. It was the severe change in temperature that woke me up.

Rubbing my eyes I frown holding the wool blanket closer to my body and glance around the white snowy landscape.  The car rocked back and forth as we drove through the forest only to smooth out once we broke the tree bounds to an open field with a small cabin in the middle. He shut the car off and silence surrounded us as the sun was setting in the sky. Snow flurries started to fall and the car was getting colder.


He jerked the door open cutting off my words as he went towards the trunk. I grumbled about stupid people not listening to me as I stared at the heels that blessed my feet. Fidget winds lashed at my face as David stood in the door holding snow boots and a thick coat like he now wore. I quickly put them on and climbed out after him and we trudged towards the cabin.

"Holy shit." I breathed out once we were inside. He slammed the door close behind us and dropped the bag at his feet making me jump.

"Not bad." he commented. I had to agree the outside wasn't anything compared to inside. It was cozy, kitchen and living room and then a hall that must hold bathrooms and bedrooms. Kicking off my boots I let my toes sink into the soft carpet and looked around the place.

He went to the fireplace to, I assume, start a fire to warm up the place while I looked around the kitchen which was fully stocked.

"I assume this isn't your place. Unless you take a day's trip to work each day." I said once he settled into the couch and I started on mac and cheese.


"Are you going to tell me where we are?" I sighed staring at the water boil.

"The navigation was heading up north so I assume Canada or Alaska. " he mumbled fiddling with something in his hands.

"So you have no idea. Why did-"

"Look I just did what the red headed guy told me to do. I don't have answers." he snapped.
I threw the noodles in the pot stirred for a bit before turning to him a bit ticked off. "So you would follow orders blindly without question? "

He stood with an irritated sigh pocketing his phone, "For half a million dollars and a blessing, yes."

"Half a million dollars " I squeaked out as he moved towards the door. " Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving. He will be here in a few hours." with that he slammed the door behind him. I stood there a little shocked at first before rushing to the window in time to see his car enter the forest again.

"Well hell.." I yelled turning trying to put together what happened. You don't leave someone in the middle of the forest!

Stomping my way over to the pot I shut it off finding food no longer appealing. Honestly I was tired, tired of everything. Tired of being push around and having my life being ruled over by everyone else but myself. Yanking the stupid bag from by the door I went into one of the rooms and started to rummage through the belongings trying to find warm pajamas. After a hot shower I slide into them and yanked on long socks walking into the kitchen.

"Maybe I am hungry." I grumbled taking the noodles out the pot and started to fix dinner. In the end I was sitting in front the fireplace with a big bowl of cheesy noodles listening to the wind and snow hit against the roof. It's been awhile since I've done this. Just sit without the threat of a beating or being tied down. My mind blank without those horrible memories..

My chewing slowed as I stared at the fire and forced myself to swallow. Even if I wanted to think of Gabe I still had that sick feeling, that fear that sneaks in and makes me confused. One part wants to be with him this second but that fear is eating away at the good I saw in him.

It's so confusing, every time I look back it seems it could have been him doing the beatings. I can't be sure, all the drugs I was hopped up on I couldn't even tell what was night or day. When I think of him it sends the same horrible feeling through me I get when I think of Jake.

I didn't realize I was crying until the cold wind of the front door opening hit my wet cheeks. I stood dropping the bowl and sending noodles all over the floor. The cloaked figure walked to me and stood over me and good two feet. I felt like I couldn't move, the weight of my wonder held me down and didn't even defend myself as his fingers went to my temples.

"I'll make it go away." his musical voice rang in my ears sending a harsh inhale through my throat.

And he did.

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