Chapter 502

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"You have room for us at your place?"

Antonio's POV: When Matt asked me whether I had room for him at my place, I was a little shocked. "Wait, why?" Matt then looked at Gabby and went to kiss her shoulder. "Gabby and you are both going to want to be with each other right now to get through this. Oh, and you are going to have to plan the funeral together. Yet, I still want to be close to her so that I can help her grieve." I nodded when he said that and then smiled at Gabby. "What are you thinking Gabby?"

Gabby sighed and turned to look at Matt. "We weren't even here for a week." Matt nodded when she said that before going to put his hand on hers. "Gabby, what do you need? Tell me what you need me to do and we are going to do it. If you need to go back to Chicago and help Antonio plan the funeral then we are going to pack up right now and we will leave either tonight or in the morning. If you want to stay, we'll stay. I am going to leave it up to you. This is probably hard."

I then went to look at Gabby. "Gabby, right now you are going to need a distraction. Come help me plan. And maybe Matt can get you some ambo shifts? I mean, you could do that right Matt?" Matt bit his lip and thought about it. "I could try. I know I should say something else but...that is the best I can do. I am not the one in charge of paramedics at the CFD and Gabby doesn't have the best relationship with Hatcher." Gabby nodded when I said that and went to kiss him softy.

Putting his hand on her leg, Matt just looked into her eyes. "Gabby, you want me to concentrate on packing and you and Antonio can just talk for a while about your dad? Start thinking about some funeral arrangements and stuff? I promise that we can figure out what we are going to do house wise later...we can always go stay at the firehouse or we can go stay at Antonio's place. And if you need to have my mom watch the kids, I understand. I want to be with you."

Gabby smiled when he said that and went to grab his hand. "That sounds good but right now...all we need to get together is our things and get going. It's early enough in the day that we can leave today. Is that okay Matt?" Matt nodded when Gabby asked him that. "Of course. How about we distract you for a while and we can figure out what we can do for a home?" Matt then went to grab his phone and went to sent Jay a text. 'We're leaving. Can I get a hand packing?'

I looked at him when he did that. "Who did you just text?" Matt sighed when I asked him that. "Jay. I asked him if he could come help us pack. By the way...Louie, we need to pack your toys up okay? We have to go back to Chicago." Louie nodded when Matt said that before getting up and walking away to his room so that they could pack up to head back to Chicago with me this afternoon.

NOTE: This is going to be the last chapter in "Cabin Life" to continue reading, please visit my profile and find the book "Dawsey: Raising a Family Part 2"

Cabin Life: A Dawsey-Linstead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now