Chapter 500

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Matt's POV: When Gabby brought up the fact that we might be limited in spots, I sighed because I knew that would probably be the case if we had our vow renewal/real wedding during COVID. Between her family and the must-invite people to our wedding...I knew we would have to really be picky when it came to who from the firehouse we invited. Delaney was a definite years but so was all of first shift considering they were our friends and the people we work with on a daily basis. In order words, the people in whose hand's we put our lives in whenever we go on a run.

"Delaney, I want to say are definitely going to be on the list. Sorry babe but, I need to also play politics a bit. I need to have Delaney and Commissioner Grissom there." Gabby nodded when I said that and sighed. "That is subject to the restrictions. Matt, if they do not make the cut because of the restrictions...then you are not complaining to me. Our family and friends will come before any CFD politicians. And do not argue with me...then we really are done having kids." Everybody looked at us when she said that. Hermann was shocked. "Say what now!"

I then laughed. "We are looking to adopt and/or maybe do a surrogacy to even out how many kids we have. This dad here wants another girl." Severide laughed when I said that. "Of course you do. I can see how you hold that daughter of yours close to you. Heck, your lips are on her almost as much as they are on Gabby's lips." I laughed when he said that and smiled. Gabby then turned her head and went to grab my hand. "He's not wrong. We do share a lot of kisses." I nodded and agreed with her before going to kiss her softly, knowing it bugs the house.

The house groaned when I said that. That's when I heard Lt. Carving from Truck 71's 1st shift speak to me. "Chief Casey, if it's all right with you...I think I am going to let you talk to your friends." I then sighed when he said that. "Carving, I would rather you stay. I want you to become park of this group of people we have online because you are somebody that I am going to be dealing with whenever I am on shift. Oh by the way, I forgot to mention something..." Everybody then looked at me when I said that. "What exactly is that Chief?"

I smiled when they asked me that. "This is the first time that I am speaking to you all with our new captain being with us." Severide laughed when I said that and smiled. "So welcome to the leadership  team Captain Kelly Severide." Severide nodded and agreed with me. Meanwhile, Delaney went to speak to me. "Actually, I would like to speak with you and Captain Severide afterwards if that's okay Chief Casey? I want to talk about any new responsibilities that we are going to delegate to him now that he is a Captain." I agreed with him and smiled at Gabby.

"Do you mind if me and Delaney have that conversation?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Even though we are on vacation, I know that your job as Battalion Chief is always waiting for us." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "I promise that we aren't going to take long." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. I then smiled as we both went back to talking to Firehouse 71 about the plans we have for the rest of the summer and the basic plans we have set up for our vow renewal next year.

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