Chapter 468

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Matt's POV: When Gabby asked me what I meant by 'I guess you are right', I got scared because I knew that I had to say the right thing...if I didn't then I might be stuck on the couch out there instead of being all cuddled up to Gabby and Hannah in bed. "Oh c'mon babe, I tell you not to go to Puerto do it, I tell you we shouldn't get get pregnant!" Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Oh, you can't blame that on me. Last time I checked, you are the only one who can get me pregnant. And don't even say anything about you not being the dad!"

I then looked at her when she said that. "Gabby, what are you talking about? Of course I am the twins' father...right?" Gabby then looked at me. " are but, there is something I have been hiding." I then looked at me. "Gabby, is there a chance that I might not be Hannah's father?" Gabby then sighed and went to grab something out of her bag. "I wasn't going to bring this up yet but...I got this in the mail recently." I was concerned when she said that. "Gabby, you haven't answered my question." I decided to end the call with Christie and Antonio, not caring.

Gabby then went to grab something. "Gabby, to me." Gabby then sighed. "I didn't want to bring this up but, it came for me right before we left. There is this deranged guy from Puerto Rico. He has mental health issues and was obsessed with me." I then got concerned when she said that. "Gabby, what's happening?" Gabby then went to give me the envelope she grabbed from her bag. "This just came in the mail for me." I went to grab it and was confused when I went to open the envelope. It was Manila and that was never a good sign.

Opening it, I saw it was a lawsuit. Going to read it, I got concerned...especially when I saw what it was for. "This guy is suing the both of us for a paternity test on Hannah and Gabriel?" Gabby then got scared. "Babe, I promise that you are their dad. But he is the reason I came home and asked you to come that night. I wanted you to come to protect me." I got concerned when she said that. "What do you mean protect you?" Gabby then came to lay down in my arms more and just held me close. "This guy...he has mental health issues and got obsessed with me."

That's when I got scared. "Did he ever hurt you?" Gabby shook her head when I said that. "But he is really deranged. He thought I was his girlfriend a couple times, he tried to kiss me and he thinks we had sex once. I swear Matt, I never got close to another man other than you. Now, he is threatening me with lawsuits and e-mails sometimes. I am scared because I didn't want to loose you. Promise me that you believe me Matt." I looked at her and nodded when she asked me that. "Hey, of course I believe you Gabby. I know that you wouldn't cheat on me."

Going to grab her neck, I went to kiss her softly. "Gabby, do me a favor and go put Hannah in her crib. I am going to show you how much I believe you." Gabby nodded when I said that and just smiled as she went to grab Hannah from my chest before carrying her to her crib. Getting up, I smirked as I went to walk up behind Gabby and then wrapped my arms around her. Closing the door, I went to lock it before whispering in her ear. "Shower or in bed?" Gabby then turned to look at me and smirked as she tugged me close to her. "You, in!" 

I agreed and went to pick her up, smiling as I went to carry her to bed. Opening the covers, I went to lay her down in our bed and then smirked as I went to grab her shirt. Undoing it and taking it off, I went to throw it onto the ground before grabbing her shorts. Slipping them off, I went to throw them onto the ground and just stared at her. Bending down, I went to kiss her softly while taking off my shirt for her. "You are my wife, they are our kids and nobody will ever change those facts." Throwing my shirt away, I went to take off my shorts for her. Letting them fall to the ground, I looked at Gabby while just wearing my boxers. 

Gabby then stared at me and smiled as I went to join her in bed, ready to have a bit of fun with her while the the kids took their naps.

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