Chapter 497

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Meanwhile, with the Caseys:
Matt's POV: As me and Gabby sat down together in the living room with Louie and the kids, I smiled as I sat down on the ground with Louie while playing a board game with him. I am not really sure what game this is but...all I know is that I am shocked she still have it. It must've been in the van while our house burned down because I remember packing it up when I converted his room back into the guest room when we first lost him. God, having games from that time is nice. That's when I went to look up at Gabby and saw her reading on her iPad while holding Gabe on her chest. "What do you think of Cole as a name for our fourth child if we decide to try again?"

Gabby looked at me when I said that and laughed. "Nope, you need a girl name. I am not going to be outnumbered when it comes to girls. You have your two boys...I want my two girls. By the way, how did you know I was looking at that?" I smiled at her. "Your reading glasses." Gabby then laughed when I said that. "Surrogacy?" Gabby then sighed and looked at me. "I am not sure if I am going to be comfortable getting pregnant again if we wanted to go for a fourth child. I am scared Matt." I nodded and understood what she meant. "However, we need to make sure that the surrogate we pick passes background checks. And that they sign away their rights ASAP."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "You know what, I am not even sure why I am looking at this already...we already have 3 great kids and we are not planning on having a 4th anytime soon." I laughed when she said that. "But in complete honesty, I am glad that you aren't thinking about doing it yourself. I'm sorry babe but...I am never getting you pregnant ever again, I hope you understand that." Gabby agreed with me. "Believe me, I got my tubes tied for a reason. I am never...ever getting pregnant again. Just curious though, you did bank some of your sperm right?" I nodded when she asked me that. "Yeah, I made sure to do so just in case."

Looking at me, she just smiled. "Listen, we don't have to rush okay? We need to take advantage of the time we have with these three littles ones first. Heck, I am not even sure why we are talking about this when you are on paternity leave until September." I nodded when she said that. "And you are on maternity leave until then." Gabby looked up at me when I said that. "How is that possible when I don't work..." I then laughed. "Gabby, you are going back to being the PIC on Ambulance 61 remember? You already have a job so are an employee of the Chicago Fire Department. Oh and I just got confirmation that you are on my shift with Sylvie."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "I better be on that shift. By the way, you are going to have to get me that paycheck paperwork. I need to tell them how I want them to split my paycheck." I was confused when she said that. "What are you talking about babe?" Gabby looked at me when she said that. "You are putting money in the kids' college funds right? Wait we did start some right?" I bit my lip when she said that. "God, I knew that I forgot to do something. I am so sorry Gabby." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Matt, I want to start saving for the kids! I don't want them to have to worry about being able to afford college. It's just got to get more and more expensive."

I sighed when she said that. "Gabby, we need to figure out our priorities first okay? If we are going to try and have a 3rd biological child....then our money needs to go there. Surrogacy can cost over a thousand dollars. I looked at it before you left to go to Puerto Rico but then we got into that fight and you left." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Way to bring up the past." Looking at her, I just shook my head and went to get up. "Gabby, that wasn't meant to be a dig at you...I promise. All I am trying to say is that we need to figure out what we are doing so that we can make plans financially. We also need to look at a home. That is my priority now."

Gabby sighed when I said that. "Then we should put the whole 4th child thing on the background until we have found a place to live. We need to see how much our mortgage would be." I nodded when she said that. "I am sorry that I am not okay with living at the firehouse's just not working and it isn't healthy for us always to be there." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Speaking of the firehouse, we still need to tell them about the proposal. Are they on shift right now?" I then went to check and nodded. "Yeah, it's their shift."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "What do you say we give them a call and tell them about my new ring?" I laughed when she said that and nodded, going to kiss her softly. "Let's go do it in bed though so that we can have the kids in our laps. We can introduce the firehouse to them." Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "God, they haven't met them yet. Shit!" I nodded and agreed with her. "Then I think we know exactly what we need to do right now. How about we go sit in bed though? That way Louie can be in between us and we can each hold a twin."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "You want to hold Gabriel or Hannah." I then smiled when she asked me that. "Oh, I am going to be holding Hannah." She agreed with me and nodded when I said that. "Let's go then...she's in her cot. Louie, we are going into the bedroom so that mommy and daddy can call our friends. Can you go bring your book in there? We can read after." Louie nodded, agreeing with her as he went to make his way to our room. Meanwhile, me and Gabby both got up so that we could carry the twins to bed and call our firehouse friends.

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