Chapter 495

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Jay's POV: After going downstairs to put our plates in the dishwasher, I smiled as I made my way back up to me and Erin's bedroom so that we could get started on the case. I already called Antonio while I was down there since I wanted him on the call first. Since he was Deputy Head of Intelligence for Narcotics, he should be in the know when it comes to the facts of the case first. Going to grab a shirt from the closet, I smiled at Erin as she started to get work in bed. "I already called and Antonio, I want to talk to him first since he is the DHI for Narcotics. He can start."

Erin nodded when I said that. Grabbing my laptop, I went to getting bed with her before putting it in my lap. Erin then smiled as she came to cuddle up to me. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled and went to kiss her forehead. "You are never going to get bored cuddling up to me in bed are you babe?" Erin laughed when I said that and shook her head. "Oh shut up, you like it when I am cuddled up to you in bed." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "That I am." Opening up my laptop, I went to get into the CPD Servers when I saw a new folder.

Pointing to it, Erin smiled. "All of Hank's old cases are in his file. Mine are under Erin Halstead. This case file number is EH-01" I agreed with her when she said that. "You are so proud to have my last name aren't you?" Erin smiled and agreed with me as I went to open our video conferencing software. Going to call Antonio, I smiled because this was going to be his first case. Answering it right away, Antonio smiled at us. "Dang, I thought I would be able to sneak a peek at Matt and Gabby. Oh and Gabby's new engagement ring. She already told me about it.:"

I laughed when he said that. "Yeah, they are going to be busy planning the wedding. However, you are going to be busy with your first case as Deputy Head of Intelligence for Narcotics." Antonio agreed with us when I said that. "What's the case?" Erin then went to tell him. "Case number is EH-01. The case is about a group who has been selling a fake COVID cure as well as drugs. It's intelligence considering we are the ones who deal with drugs." Antonio agreed with her. "Want me to get in touch with my contacts in the drug world?" I then laughed.

Turning to look at me, Erin was confused. "What's so funny?" I then sighed. "Isn't it a little weird that Antonio even has contacts in the drug world?" Erin then thought about it and agreed with me. "I guess when you put it that way...yeah it's a little weird. By the way Antonio, I want to warn you right now...if this case gets anywhere close to Pulpo or his associates, I expect you to recuse yourself from the case! I do not want my first case as Head of Intelligence to get thrown out because one of the detectives on the case has a conflict of interest. Is that understood?"

Going to put my hand on Erin's stomach, I went to remind her that she needs to relax. "Okay first, you need to relax okay? Remember that you are pregnant with twins and that you need to take some breaths. So can you please take some breaths for me before you continue?" Erin nodded when I said that before grabbing my hand. Rubbing it, she took some deep breaths. Antonio then looked at her. "Jay, if you want to take the lead as Deputy Head of Intelligence for all of our cases until the end of her pregnancy...I would understand." I then bit my lip.

I then laughed when he said that. "Technically, I already am. You are just taking lead in case we get another case. Remember, I am PRINCIPAL Deputy Head of Intelligence." Antonio nodded when I said that. "So basically, you have my old job from when we were still under the leadership of our former leader." I agreed with him when he said that and went to kiss Erin's head. "This one's for him okay? We are going to solve it for him." Erin agreed with me when I said that before going to intertwine our fingers.

That's when Ruzek joined the video chat. "Which one's for him?" Looking at Adam, I sighed. "This case that we are working on is for Hank. This is Erin's first case since taking over intelligence and she wants it go to perfectly." I then looked at Erin. "Erin, why don't we be co-Heads of Intelligence for a while okay? You are going to be hormonal and I need the authority to work cases in your absence." Erin nodded and agreed with me. "Not like you weren't going to be treated as my equal anyways." I smiled when she said that.

Looking at Antonio, I smiled at him. "You are case manager though Antonio. You are the one who is in charge of making sure that the case goes to the DA properly." Antonio then laughed. "How about that is always my job? I mean, I used to be the investigator at the District Attorney's Office. I can make sure it is perfect for them to prosecute." Erin agreed with him. "Okay, then that is your new role. Jay is always my co-Head, you are the case manager as well as a detective. Done. Now, let's get working on this case. Is Ruzek on the line?"

Ruzek agreed. "What can I do for you bosswoman?" Erin laughed when he said that. "And don't forget that guys. Now Ruzek, I want you to check what we have. I think we started this before Hank died and I want to see where we are at. Atwater and Burgess, I want you all to call the hospitals and tell them to be on the lookout for these fake vaccines and drugs, make sure that they report to us directly if they suspect anything. Dawson, I want you to keep in touch with your contacts in the Latin community. Oh and the same goes for you Atwater with the Black community. Oh and one last thing..." Everybody looked up at us.

"From this day forward, we are not going to be using ANY tactics that can be seen as police brutality. With new leadership comes an opportunity to  change how we are seen by the community. Does everybody understand that?" That's when Atwater put his hand up. "What's up Atwater?" Atwater sighed and looked at us all. "If you want, I could take lead on monitoring that?"

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