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Michael looked down focusing, he sensed it too. He grabbed Elthenas hand walking down the hall toward the stairs.

Elthena could hear her sisters voices. Ms.Mead followed behind.

Michael sent Elthena down one staircase while he went down the other. He was seen first that way.

"How could any of you defeat us? When we've already won." Elthena rounded the banister facing Cordelia.

"Elthena." Cordelia whispered. Cordelia shook her head, her eyes wavering.

"You haven't won." Michael chuckled taking Elthenas hand once more.

"Perhaps you haven't noticed the state of the world." Elthena took her eyes away from Michael down to her old coven. Behind Myrtle and Cordelia was Mallory and Coco.

She was right.

They were under an identity spell.

"Almost as bad as your dinner jacket. But at least the world can be saved." Myrtles voice spoke next. She hadn't even looked in Elthenas direction.

"By you?" Michael laughed.

"You against two immortals, I don't see that working out too well Delia." Elthena spoke up her voice cutting through the tension.

Delia snapped toward the girl.

"Two?" She mumbled then her eyes found the smirking Michael.

"Elthena how dare you!" Cordelia screamed.

"How dare I? You burned me at the stake for something I hadn't committed yet. But guess what, that's what made that happen. The most powerful witch and warlock together. Ending the world, all because of you Cordelia." Elthena smiled bitterly toward the women.

All the familiar anger rising in her stomach.

"Then we will just have to kill you too Elthena." Cordelia threatened.

"Did you miss the immortal part?" Elthenas words went unheard by the witches below.

Coco stepped up picking up her long purple dress so she wouldn't trip.

"Just don't let me die again it really sucked the first time." She said in a hushed tone. Elthena snickered looking up at Michael.

Its pathetic how hard they try

Elthena smirked at his words echoing through her head.

Makes it all the more fun to see them bleed

Michael squeezed her hand before electing go.

I love you Thena

I love you blondie

"When we're done with you. You'll all wish you were still dead." Michael bellowed.

"I always thought the world would end with fire and ice, not witches and warlocks." Myrtle said.

"The world has been remade in my fathers image." Michael stepped down a few steps.

"It seems daddy forgot to tell you the most important part of bringing on the apocalypse. You have to get rid of all the witches and not fall in love with one." Myrtle continued to undermine him.

"Big mistake." Coco continued.

"I could annihilate all of you in a second and the worldwide go on without missing a beat. You and all your work will be forgotten in the rubble of the past. But I want to give you a future. Fall to your knees and accept me and your lord and savior, and I will bring you to the table as my subjects." Elthena wanted to roll her eyes at Michael but refrained.

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