29-Shes alive

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Elthena looked up from her book hearing thr coughs. Michael glanced over to her before hearing it as well.

"They really did go through with it." Elthena said shaking her head. She never thought the two women would have it in them to kill everyone.

"That they did." Michael agreed standing to his feet.

They could hear the echo of the cane nearing their room. Michael rolled his eyes sitting back at his desk. Elthena scooted back onto the bed opening her book once again.

Venable opened the door with the robot behind her.

"Ladies I'm a bit busy formulating my selections." Michael told them typing away at his computer. Elthena eyed them tilting her head.

"This won't take long." Venable said stepping into the room. Michael turned slowly closing his computer as he did.

Venable glared at Elthena walking past the bed standing closer to Michael. Ms.Mead stayed guarding the doorway.

"Whats this?" Michael asked facing Venable.

"We're making the selections now, Mr.Langdon. And I'm afraid you and her didn't make the cut." Elthena and Michael laughed at her commands. Elthena softly shut her book sliding off the bed standing behind Michael. She put her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I wanted you to have your moment but i just couldn't hold it in." Michael said. Elthena looked up from him to Venable. The women was growing scared.

"You two think this is funny?" Venable asked the couple.

"I think if anything we are impressed Ms.Venable. I wasn't sure if you had it in you." Elthena spoke up.

"You passed the test." Michael continued off of her. Michael stood up next to Elthena. Venable started to smile almost proud of herself.

"You're perfect for The Sanctuary." Michael had a gift for lying.

Venables face fell.

"Ms.Mead." The dark haired robot took out a gun. Elthena smirked at her before eloping back at Venable.

"I wouldn't do that." Michael warned. Ms.Mead rose the gun pointing it right at Michael. The blonde simply stared at the women making her hesitate.

"Ms.Mead." Venable repeated. The gun moved on from Michael to point at Venable. Elthena and Michael both smirked watching the bullet fly through the air hitting Venable in the chest.

She gasped falling to the floor gasping for air.

"I dont know why I did that." Ms.Mead started to panic. Elthena walked past Michael kneeling down by Venable.

"I was always loyal to her." Ms.Mead continued. Elthena pushed down on the wound making Venable scrunch up in pain.

"Goodbye Ms.Venable." She whispered.

"Its alright. You were obeying commands, like you were programed to do. My commands." Michael told Mead. Elthena stood up seeing that Venable was dead.

"Did you enjoy executing the poison apples plan, as much as we enjoyed coming up with it?" Michael asked.

"You two wanted everyone dead?" Mead asked looking at the two of them. Elthena smiled nodding.

"I've never been a fan of getting my hands dirty. Learned that from my father. Always more fun to entice men and women to dirty deeds. Confirms what I've always believed." Michael slowly smiled.

Mead shook her head fake tears tunning down her face.

"Wh-what do you believe?"

"That all people if given the right pressures or stimulus, are evil motherfuckers." Elthena answered.

"I-I'm having trouble with this. I know I'm just a machine-"

"Never say that. You're not just a machine not to me. When I had you built I have them a prototype to model." He cut her off still seeing her as the women that basically raised him.

"A prototype?" Mead started to calm down.

"Of someone from my childhood. Someone very dear to me." Elthena sadly smiled her hand brushing up against his.

Mead thought for a moment before realizing.

"The beautiful boy."

"That was me." Michael said a sad smile plastered on his face.

"But I had to keep thr most important part of you hidden from your mind." Michael became serious again.


"To protect you. And the plan. But now its time to remember it all. I lost you and I couldn't bear it. I cant imagine a new world with you at put side. The women who raised me." Elthena looked up seeing thebtears brimming in his eyes. It pained her to see him like that.

Elthena grabbed his hand which he didn't pull away from. Michael looked down at the girl who nodded letting his hand go. Michael walked to the worms hugging her close.

Elthena smiled feeling happy for them.

Before her smile quickly fell.


Cordelia, Myrtle and Madison opened the gates. Their bodies as good as the day they said the spell.

As Cordelia neared the spiral of walls both her and Myrtle stopped.

"Shes alive." Myrtle whispered.

"And she's with him." Cordelia spat glancing over to Myrtle.

Cordelia started to walk quicker down into the school.

Elthena could sense the surge of power.

"Michael." She said her stare empty. Three more energy rose again. Familiar.

"Michael." She said again. Michael broke off from his hug looking at Elthena in concern. He hadnt been paying enough attention to sense them.

"Cordelia's back."

I lied saying there would be 10 more chapters think closer to maybe 5 xoxo

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