28-You did it

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Michael had lost it after seeing who Mallory really was. He kept mumbling to himself about his father. Then he walked out of the room.

Elthena debated on following but knew it would make no difference.

His father hadn't contacted Michael is months. Michael still had no idea if what he did was correct or not. It kept him up at night.

Elthena would often wake up to him just staring up at the ceiling. She hated that she couldn't help him but, his problems weren't hers to solve.

Then there was the problem of her immortality. Michael had been researching non stop the spell that could transfer the immortality to him. From what his father told him Elthena would still be immortal but so would he. As of right now he can die, it just takes a lot of power to do so.

Elthena huffed falling back on the bed. What was only a few minutes felt like hours.

The door clicked open and in stepped Michael. She sat up meeting his eyes.

"What is it?" She took notice of his face. His eyes slowly came up meeting hers.

"I've found it." He stated. She grew confused.

"Found what?"

"The spell, my father told me what we must do." He held out his hand for her to take. She looked down from it to him. She rose to her feet meeting him by thr door taking his warm hand.

He smiled clutching his hand in hers.


The two went into the bathroom that was attached to their bedroom. Michael turned grabbing Elthena for a kiss.

It was just a kiss. Nothing more to it.

She tried to deepen it but he ended it before she could. He rose his hand, tucking a piece if her brown hair behind her ear.

"I love you please don't ever doubt that." Elthena looked up at him. She nodded.

"I love you." He smiled at that then led her into the center of the room.

"Take off your clothes." Elthena laughed covering her mouth as she did.

"Getting bold I see." Michael rolled his eyes un buttoning his shirt.

"For the spell to work there has to be nothing between us. That includes clothing, plus its nothing I haven't seen before." He smirked making her roll her eyes.

She did as he asked. Like he said they've been more intimate then this.

Elthena forced her eyes up to only stare him in the eyes. Michael was doing the same.

He silently walked up to her. Within a second he conjured a knive handing one to her. She took it wordlessly then he put his hands on her shoulders turning her around. He kissed the back of her head before taking away his hands.

"We sit back to back. Using the knife I gave you, you must die. Anyway you see easiest, I'm asking a lot of you Thena. After that I do the rest and you wake up." In Elthenas mind it was yelling at her to get out of there. She almost did. But this was Michael. He's never hurt her before why would he start now.

"Ok." She quietly responded. She clutched the knife in her hands sitting to the floor. She crossed her legs over the other taking a deep breath.

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