He drop his head in his palms sighing and plaming himself for all those wounds that made the girl he love in this condition...

- "kangjun..."

He looked quickly to see the grand ma standing infront of him moving her lips in sadness... He smiled weakly to decrease her sadness and said:

- "don't worry grand ma... She will be fine I won't leave her ever... You can go to bed and sleep..."

- "don't you want anything to eat?"

- "No grand ma... Thank you... We ate on our way here..."

- "if you wanted anything... Please feel free to wake me... Good night..."

- "good night grand ma..."
Kangjun felt that hyuyoon's tempreture will increase so he came close to her and stayed in her bed using everything he know to make her feel comfortable and to forget her pain...

The night just began... Kangjun was sure in that long night that the lover lose the feeling of time and tiredness and sadness if he was with the one he love... And what pained him that hyuyoon suffered alot when she lost him... Five years... Oh My God... How could he bring the time back to love her again and to whisper to her that he doesn't have anyone in the world but her... The high tempreture of hyuyoon make him feel the pain she felt... How would this day and night end? Kangjun didn't focus on the clock ever... And he didn't forget to tell everyone in the farm not to tell anything to the commander about hyuyoon's sickness...

It's 2am when kangjun decided that it would be the last towel of cold water to put it on hyuyoon's forehead... Because her tempreture got back to normal...even though that didn't show on her... Two hours and the sun will rise... Doesn't matter... All he care about is for hyuyoon to get back to her health again...

Now it's six and a half in the morning... Before half an hour of the morning military line... Eunsae was standing infront of the commander's office in an important mission... She entered calmly greeting the commander,Ray,and T.K... And they replied in a harry... The three of them looked at her while she's trying to hide her clear nervousness saying:

- "excuse me sir... We just want to know anything about hyuyoon..."

The commander looked at eunsae in a hidden love behind his military position and seriousness saying:

- "eunsae lets give them one more day as a chance..."

- "but I'm worried about her..."

A smile formed on his face... While hearing her worried sweet voice... While he was giving the mail to T.K... Then said:

- "but she's with her husband... And we can't do anything for her... But I promise you I'll call them tomorrow to comfort you..."
Eunsae thanked the commander and left to welcome a new day, she doesn't know how kangjun welcomed it which he didn't sleep one minute while he's taking care of the sick hyuyoon... Even though he didn't sleep but he didn't get tired... Except when he got surprised that the grand ma woke up very early with sympathy expression saying:

- "you didn't sleep, dear?"

- "No grand ma... But I'm fine don't worry..."

- "then go to sleep for a while we will take care of hyuyoon..."
Kangjun brushed his red swallowed eyes then said smiling:

- "No grand ma... I'll stay with hyuyoon... But will you make a favour and make me a cup of coffee..."

The grand ma was confused of kangjun's stubborn head to stay beside hyuyoon even though they are all here and can take care of her... She nodded and left... The day passed quickly for kangjun even though hyuyoon didn't respond yet to the medicines... But it was clear that she felt relieve and her pain was gone...

It's now 1pm... When he drop himself beside her and fell in a deep sleep for one hour... He didn't know how did it begin or ended... But the room wasn't ever empty of the people who love hyuyoon whishing her to get back healthy again... Kangjun was hiding his sadness remembering his memories with her when they were living under one ceiling... Regreting what he did to her when he knew after leaving her that he can't live without her and that he breath her love... He loved her!... He was smiling every time he look at her calm face... That beautiful black silky hair that covered her bellow... Damn... Why can't we love again in this life?... We can and will do... Kangjun left his thoughts looking at the grand ma, when she entered the room with worried face saying:

- "The commander want to talk to you on the phone..."
Kangjun stand up nervous... And walked some steps and looked at the grand ma again and said:

- "did you tell him what happened?"

- "No dear, we didn't..."

And that was kangjun's thing to tell the commander that everything is good, even though the nervousness and worriedness were clear in his tone... But he wished that the commander didn't notice anything...

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