|Chapter Thirty-Nine| I Was Going To Die!|

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Jordan's POV

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Jordan's POV

We slowly made our way towards the same place where everyone was hiding.

The chairs were gone.

The place was spotless.

Like nothing ever happened. It slightly smelt of bleach.

"Do you smell that?" Hames calls out.

"Someone's been here." Tag says.

We walk a little further into the barn trying to find anything that would give us a lead.

And then I stepped in something.

"Tag, what is this?" I call out. Tag and Hames come rushing towards me and kneel down. We all quickly put out gloves on and touch the substance.

"It's oil. Petrol." Tag says sniffing the substance.

And suddenly there was a noise. The sun was setting so we could barely see anything.

"Wait. What is that sound?" Hames whispered. I look behind noticing a figure in the back towards the next exit of the barn.

And immediately noticing a flame.

"RUN!" I yelled and we all run outside the barn, rushing towards the car but, the barn exploded.

We all fell onto the ground covering our ears.

"What the fuck!" Hames shouted.

"Am I alive?" Tag touches himself to check if he was okay.

"This was a set up. They knew we were coming." I said numbly. We get up and run to the car.

"Go now Tag." I say calmly and he reverses. I could tell he was quite shaken up but, there was no time to fear. We almost got killed.

"Fucking explain to me why were between life and death right now!" Hames raised his voice.

"I've never seen my life go in slow motion." Tag mutters to himself.

"I don't know." I comb through my hair. "Maybe, we have something of theirs?" I point out.

"The fucking flash drive. Are you kidding me!" Hames yells.

"Lower your voice Hames. This is something way bigger than we thought it was. I don't even think it's going anything to do with the kid." I state.

"I was going to die. Oh my god. I was going to die." Tag harshly whispers to himself. He was gripping the steering wheel tight and I realised his knuckles were turning white.

And immediately a fire engines, a couple of police vans and ambulances drove passed us.

"Calm down Tag. We need to remain calm." I say to Tag and Hanes calmly.

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