19- MTF Rescue the Fair Maiden

Start from the beginning

     Nick's eyes held Gia's while Barb spoke, and he seemed to be considering the offer, before turning back to Barb. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm expected at the home of some friends." His eyes found Gia's again. "Heath and Sabrina."

     Gia nodded and smiled. "Tell them I said 'hi'."

     With a sad smile Nick responded, "I will."

     "Well, you're welcome to come with us to the parade if that works." Barb recognized the tension and was unsure how to ease it.

     "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Nick responded noncommittally. He was immediately distracted by Gia's giggling.

     "Stop that, Evan. No fair. I can't help that I'm ticklish." She squirmed as Evan poked at her ribs.

     Nick watched them with a stony gaze.

     Once they ordered Evie stood. "Gia, come to the restroom with me."

     "Why is it that women have to go to the restroom in pairs?" Matt chuckled.

     "Right?! Maybe we should try it to see what all the fuss is about."

     "I'll pass, Evan." Matt fought to keep a straight face.

     Evie rolled her eyes, and pulled Gia behind her. "I thought Nick was insisting you guys are just friends, and pushing you towards Brian?"

     Gia topped off her lip gloss, then turned to her friend looking flustered. "He did... he has. I... why do you say that?"

     "Have you seen the way he's been this whole time? He can't keep his eyes off you, and he's clearly bothered by the attention Evan has given you."

     Gia opened her mouth, then shut it, and furrowed her brow. "How can you even tell? You've been so busy with Matt."

     A small smile came to Evie's face. "Not so busy that I can't see what's right in front of my face. Seriously, Gia, I think he's still interested in you."

     Shaking her head Gia looked down at the sink. "As much as I'd like to believe that, I have to move on." Her eyes drew up again. "He may be interested, but he's made it clear on more than one occasion that he can't do relationships." Her frown twisted into a smile. "But you... you and Matt? What's going on there?"

     "I don't know yet. We've been texting some, and...". Evie bit her lip. "We're just getting to know each other better, you know, as more than him just being Evan's best friend and me being the sister." Her smile dimmed. "But back to you. I'm sorry. I can see that you still care a great deal for Nick."

     Gia's heart began to race, and she felt tears threaten to emerge. "It is what it is. And I'm dating Brian now, so... I shouldn't be feeling things for Nick."

     Evie reached out and squeezed Gia's hand and the two women looked at each other, understanding passing between them. "You're only human Gia, feelings don't just disappear because someone tells you they don't have the capacity for a relationship. I'm sorry for him, but I hurt for you. I want you to be happy."

     Gia forced a smile. "I'm working on it."

     The rest of lunch passed mostly uneventfully, other than a few questioning glances as Nick watched Gia and Evan. When the waitress brought the check, Nick grabbed it before Brent could get it.

     "I'll take care of this, Nick," Brent offered.

     Nick shook his head. "No, no, you guys are visiting. Let me."

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