Chapter 5

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I sighed for the tenth time and looked towards the gate. I have been seated here for about two hours now and there's no blue Toyota Camry in sight, the one which Mas'ud had taken to Haleemah earlier and I was getting so impatient.

I sighed again and pressed the play button on the video I was watching. Confirming that she is unmarried and unengaged from Mas'ud earlier had calmed my nerves and gave me a fraction of reassurance. But hearing that she gave no man a chance to speak to her unnecessarily made me more anxious that I have been watching several videos on how to start a conversation with a lady on YouTube. I didn't want her to be easy but I didn't like that she's so not interested either. Am I kidding myself? Hundreds of guys out there has to have had interest in her, either in a pure way or otherwise.

I could have called my friends but I know the teasing would last forever. So, instead I resort to YouTube videos. Aren't I pathetic?

Convincing Hajja and my family was easier than I thought maybe because they wanted me to stay longer on their part.

So instead of being in the house with uncle Mika'il and his family, I had chosen to sit outside with the clueless Mas'ud who have been gisting me about whatnot and somehow I always manage to stir the conversation to the household a few meters away.

I heard a car horn and chose to do the gateman's work for him because it was supposed to be the lady who was my eyesore in a few hours I had known her.

But, it wasn't her. Another guy drove in past as he waved me in greeting and furrowed his brows seeing that it wasn't a familiar face he knew. He parked the car in the parking space and my heartbeat increased when I noticed a female figure going towards the house with the guy trailing behind.

Lo and behold, it was her. The heaven is finally smiling at me. Did I just felt a thunderous beating against my chest?

I smiled and trudged after them. She was indeed more beautiful than I thought. I saw her crouched down infront of little Amnah Mika'il while trying to feed her with the food that has previously been served but untouched. Hajja and Mrs Mika'il were laughing so hard trying to talk her into letting the child be. The kid was not listening to her before but she managed to change her mind and was able to feed her after sacrificing her phone case.

I smiled and walked in trying to figure out who her companion was. They did look alike but I didn't like the way he was attending to her a bit. I mean I am an elder brother too and I love my sister, I know how possessive we can be but I just think he is too attentive.

"Mujahid, you haven't eaten" Mrs Mika'il's voice brought me out of my reverie and I look towards her as she was trying to serve me.

"Let the bachelor serve himself, why are you using your beautiful hands to serve him?" Her husband said seizing the plate from her and gesturing for me to come forward. This earned a few chuckles and everyone's attention was drawn to me.

"I don't appreciate you worrying yourself over any man other than me even if it's my nephew" and she blushed

I could not glare at him but all thanks to him now, her attention has been turned towards me, or so I thought. Because she only looked towards my direction and continued cooing the little child.

I had so much question to ask her for example why she was back late at night. Isn't she aware that nights are dangerous for ladies? Something gnawed at me in my mind asking me why I think her brother came back with her but I ignored.

I took the plate from my uncle trying my best to look unbothered only to look up to see his wife giving me a knowing look like she knew something I didn't realize about myself. I knew I was kept and neat and undoubtedly have nothing on my face, so I kept a neutral face and went back to my seat.

"Haleematu-s-Sa'adiya" Hajja called out and she looked up. I don't think you need me to tell you what I felt at the mention of her name. Haleematu-s-sa'adiyya has never been a befitting name for a lady until now.

Maybe that was what made a bell go off in my uncle's head because he made an oh face. I don't care as long as he remembers his nurul qalb seated beside him.

"That video earlier was superb. And for that I have a gift for you" she announced and Ammarah stood up to get it.

"I knew you were going to do well but I didn't know it was going to turn out perfect. I had talked to the producer earlier and he gave his words of praise. Thank you Halimatu habibty, Allahumma baarik. Our message will reach many as soon as possible. Your speech was great" she continued.

Her male companion smiled and looked at her while she pursed her lips looking like a deer caught in a trap. I knew she was contemplating running away already. I could tell from her expression that she isn't enjoying the attention.

"I was totally touched too, you did well in that video" Mrs Mika'il interrupted too. Slowly, conversation were being exchanged and I just tuned them out fascinated by her expressions, torn between fighting myself to look away and the urge not to miss the intriguing puzzled look on her face.

"Hajja am, bakin ina ne (where are your visitors from)?" Her male companion asked referring to me and I know if I were khairat I would roll my eyes. Thankfully I wasn't. If I was seated comfortably in their midst with uncle Mika'il's teases, it should be clear that I am more than a visitor.

"Oh, Yaqoub you haven't heard that my daughter is marrying out her only daughter right?" She asked.

He shook his head.
"Well, then that's her first son, the one who has never visited" I grimaced at that.

" I have already sent invitations to your home, be prepared to visit kano in three months" she said dismissively and made to show Haleemah the gifts she mentioned.

Yaqoub moved to me and gave me a strong handshake. I furrowed and wondered if I should be worried about the more than normal greeting.

But I took it as a clue to get friendlier. Within a few minutes, he was asking what I do and I got to know that he was an engineer. Because I knew I might need him in the future,I paid attention to the details he was giving me like his most favourite place in adamawa where I can't afford to miss going the next time I visited, and how he was the one who drove my Haleemah back from yola house media.

Wait, did I just called her mine?

I was already hatching a plan and counter plans in case anyone failed. But heaven knows that I have found my bus station or what is it that they call it. I just knew that I have found her, my other half. The only thing remaining is Allah's guidance.

I'll pray an Istikhara today.


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