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the flight back to rome was almost too quick. i spent it mostly asleep or chatting with erica about a movie we watched one night at the hotel.

me and victoria glanced at each other from time to time, without the mutual visit to the restroom this time.

we had other plans anyways.

as we agreed that day, we are going on a date tonight, meaning that right now my room is a mess as i have tried everything on and nothing pleases me.

i called cristina in order to help me out and right now we're debating if i should wear a dress or a skirt.

“just wear the dress, it looks cute” cristina's voice pushes from my laptop as i spin around in a flowey black skirt.

“but this one looks cute as well” i insist, checking myself in the mirror.

“everything looks cute on you, kat. this doesn't help a lot”

“thanks but you are not helping” i say and grab a beige top that leaves my back exposed “how about this look?”

“i say yes!” she says and claps “all that is missing is makeup and accessories! how much time do you have left?”

“uhh about an hour? an hour and a half maybe?” i say and check the time on my screen “yeah about an hour”

“and what are you still doing here? GO GET READY YOU BITCH YOUR WIFE IS GOING TO BE THERE SOON”

“okay okay” i say “thanks for helping me out cunt”

“anytime whore~” she says and hangs up.

i spend around forty minutes trying to get my eyeliner right. after a lot of struggling, cursing and stressing, i finally manage to get ready and even tidy up a little.

i give some water and food to salem and check my phone again.

7 PM

i'm done somewhat early, so i plop on the dark red couch to kill time. i am about to start watching some random video, when the bell rings.

i check the monitor.
it's her.

7:30 PM

the warm air of june hits our faces as we make our way to the amusement park on victoria's crimson red vespa.
my hands are holding tightly onto her waist as she's driving.

we stop at a red light and victoria takes the chance to slightly turn her head around and smile at me and i plant a kiss on the exposed skin of the back of her neck, right under her helmet (safety first, kids!).

we arrive at the park after half an hour of driving and half an hour of victoria cussing out random drivers that almost hit us with their cars.

it's still not dark outside, being only mid june, so we take advantage of that chance to go on as many rides as possible.

i, being afraid of heights, cling on victoria for half of the rides, only letting go of her when my feet are on the ground and make sure nothing is moving out of the ordinary.

after around an hour of screaming at the top of our lungs, we finally decide that it's time to eat something.

being where we are, we just go with whatever junk food the canteen has to offer, hoping that we wont get food poisoning.

cazzo” victoria curses when one of her fries dives right onto her black jeans.

i pass her a paper towel as i watch her struggle to remove the sauce from her clothes, trying my best not to giggle at the face she made when it fell.

“what are you laughing at? you're so mean” she whines as she passionately wipes her jeans “this is definitely gonna leave a stain”

“don't worry, if you wash it i bet you'll be fine” i chirp, trying to get her to cheer up.

“i guess you're right” she says and finally gives up on saving her pants.

we chit chat as we continue eating, me stopping halfway through.

“are you full?” she asks, throwing a fry in her mouth.

“not quite” i admit “i'm a different type of hungry”

it takes her a moment to understand what i mean, but soon her eyes shine playfully.

“i guess the park's rides were not enough for you, huh?”

i almost squeal at her comment, but my heart does a backflip.

“i think i should tell the boys i'm not going home tonight” she adds, already getting up and extending her own for me to hold it.

“as long as you can make breakfast out of some fruits, eggs and yoghurt i'm good because that's all i have left”

“kat i love you but you need to stop killing the mood like that” she says as we are walking to her vespa, our fingers interlocked.

“can't help it” i shrug “plus, i'm leaving in two days and you won't see me for a whole two weeks, so appreciate me while you got me”

“i'll make sure i do” she says and we hop on the vehicle.

i giggle and lean on her back as we drive off.

“i really do love you”

“bet i love you more, amore mio



is this the end? i think it is

bella || 𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴 ✓Where stories live. Discover now