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the two hours we were given passed extremely fast, but in the meantime we managed to get some rest and i managed to explain everything that happened on the airplane to christina, who -even if i couldn't hear because i told her everything via text- screamed her lungs out once she read everything.


and so on and so forth.
then, she asked a very interesting question, which has been bugging me since she said it until now, while i am doing victoria's makeup and preparing her for the concert.

so... are you like,,, into her?
or are you two just making out?
because to me you sound like you have a crush
but what is it?

it's been stuck in my head all day.
'but what is it?'. even i don't know.
just being with her makes me happy and i want to do more than just makeout with her everywhere i go -and by more i mean go on dates and such.

i assume i have been dozing off, because victoria notices it and gently pokes my cheek.

"earth to kat, earth to kat!" she says as i snap back to reality "welcome back, how was your flight?"

"sorry vic" i say "there's just a lot in my head right now and i'm tired"

"we are on the same page, don't worry" she assures me and smiles.

i return the smile and go back to doing her makeup. her outfit today is not as risqué as previous ones, probably because of the remaining cold weather during the month of april, which day by day melts away to a warmer, more tolerable weather.

"red looks good on you" i say as i paint her lips a dark red color.

"aw grazie" she says and leans closer for me to do my job.

i blush hard but i make sure to avoid any eye contact. this isn't the time nor the place for any of that, as hard as it is to contain my excitement.

"FIVE MINUTES" the manager barges inside the room and screams, followed by a stressed out chiara who is struggling to calm him down because he has been yelling all day long.

"and... done!" i say and i put the final touches in victoria's makeup "what do you think?" i spin her chair around for her.

she smiles in satisfaction as she turns her head around to see the entirety of my work.
"you are amazing bella" she says and spins back around to look at me. after a few seconds of eye contact, she pulls me in from my waist and holds onto me.
"what would i do without you?"

i hug her shoulders, that have been tense for a while now because of the stress she's been under since we got here, and it seems to me that she relaxes a little.

"can i talk to you once we have time?" i say and look down to face her "it's kind of important".

"of course! anything for you" she says "should i worry?"

"no, not at all!" i reassure her and pat her head.

in the meantime, there are one or two heads that are looking right at us, either wondering what the hell is going on or judging us, but i don't really care.
just being able to hold her is enough.

the band gets together and they start taking random pictures for their instagram stories, giving us time to clean up our stations as we wait for their turn to come up.

"TIME'S UP FELLAS TIME FOR THE SHOW" the manager screams again from the back of the room. the group gathers around him to receive any final information and they grab their instruments while making their way to the stage door.
me and the rest of the stylists approach them to wish them good luck and we hype them up as they get out of the room.

"ciao bella" victoria says as she walks out the door and gets lightly pushed by thomas "okay lovebirds, get over it now. it's time to rock n' roll!"

loud laughter echoes through the room as the door closes behind them and soon the entire building shakes by the excited screams of the crowd.

there is a small tv screen which is broadcasting the entire show for us in the dressing room, so we all gather around it and cheer alongside the crowd.

i had never seen them play on stage before, only during rehearsals. they really are different people when they are performing, but again that's what performers do.

i watch in awe as they go from song to song, singing along to the few lines i know and cheering with everyone else as if we're one with the crowd.

this is a festival, so they play around three songs and then it's some other band's turn, but it feels like the entire crowd is there just for them.

victoria looks like she's in her natural habitat, more relaxed than ever. she's swaying around in her own unique way and goes from one member to the other, either just playing next to them or even singing along -keeping a safe distance from the mic that damiano is waving around as he goes from one side of the stage to the other and hold the fans' hands.

i pull out my phone and text christina, who is probably waiting for any videos or pictures to be uploaded on the band's instagram account.

cris they are doing great!!! i can't wait for you to watch the performance it's amazing!!!

stop flexing you privileged fuck 💔 im stuck at home refreshing instagram every five seconds

[photo attached]
they're still on stage, you will have to wait longer

that's unfair :'(

shh one day you'll see them live, im sure of it

i will go full religious in order to get tickets, watch me

yeah sure 🙄❤️
oh they're done
ttyl i have some makeup to remove and some congratulations to give
i will pass them all your love~

you better do.
ba byeee

i switch off my phone and shove it in my back pocket as the band barges inside the dressing room, obviously full of adrenaline.
damiano can't stop screaming something in italian and hugging his friends while ethan has pretty much the same expression as he did in eurovision.

"you guys did amazing!" i say as i hug them one by one.

"i still can't believe the crowd was this huge" ethan says, same expression as before.

"some girl threw her bra to me" thomas comments, "but i dodged it because it was about to land on my face"

"was it at least a nice bra?" veronica comments teasingly.

"i didn't get to see it, it fell off the stage on some girl's hands i think"

"oh well" damiano shrugs "there goes a useful object"

"they are uncomfortable though" victoria comments as she settles down to get her makeup removed.
this one comment started a debate that lasted for as long as we were there. not surprisingly, victoria won the debate with the quote 'free the titty', with which most women in the room agreed, including me.

damiano was beaten and victoria chuckled in satisfaction, full of herself.

"take that, bra lover" she yelled at him from our side of the room, which caused him to spin around and give her the finger before allowing erica to finish her job, even though she had already interrupted because she was cackling.



idk what the hell that is but it's a long ass chapter once again
i really do spoil you don't i

bella || 𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴 ✓Where stories live. Discover now