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the once loud room goes quiet as soon as i come face to face with her. it's like the whole world has gone quiet. my stomach gets tingly as i look at her.

"you're my new stylist right?" she says and scans me from head to toe with her blue eyes.

"yeah that's me" i say "my name is kat, it's very nice to meet you"

"i'm victoria but you can call me vic" she says and smiles lightly "you're very pretty. now let's get to work"

she takes a seat on the chair in front of me as i am processing the compliment.
i snap myself out of it and rush to get her ready, carefully repeating the instructions i were given inside my head as i pass victoria a hairband in order to pull back her bangs.


her voice is hot too...

i catch myself trailing off and i go back to doing my job. her face is already washed so i go in with makeup right away.

as i get to the eyes, she leans closer to me. i hold her chin still with my free hand as i give her eyes a smoky effect. she smiles and makes a satisfied humming sound.

"you're so gentle with your hands bella"

"th- thanks" i stutter as i switch the brush in my hands with a red lipstick. as i paint her lips, my eyes naturally land on them, which of course she notices.

our faces are inches apart as i paint her lips and i can feel her breath on my face.
i finish off her lips and spin the chair around in order for her to check out the results herself.

"i love it!" she says excitedly and smiles at me through the mirror. i smile back and brush out her blond hair.

i start to trail off as i observe the rest of the band. they all seem so cool. i haven't gotten to talk to them yet but i'm pretty sure i will at some point.

ethan's hair is hella impressive. to think that he only uses shampoo...

"you like ethan?" victoria's voice snaps me out of my thoughts as i face the mirror again to look at her.


"are you into ethan?" she repeats, her voice slightly defensive.

"i haven't even met him yet but no, not really" i say and put the hairbrush on one side "i was just impressed by his hair"

"ohhh" she says and her all the tension drops "yeah it's very nice isn't it? i still refuse to believe that he only uses shampoo for it!"

"that's exactly what i was thinking!" i say and we both laugh.

"what are you laughing at, vic?" a new voice interrupted us.

"ah, ethan!" she says dramatically and smiles "we were just talking about that gorgeous hair of yours"

he flips it dramatically, giving us a free show of it.

"it's even more pretty from up close" i say and watch him smile in satisfaction.

"thank you" he says.

"ethan come back here i'm not done!" sara yells, to which everyone laughs and we watch ethan make his way back to her.

"they remind me of siblings sometimes" she says as we both observe them.

"yeah they seem to be comfortable around each other"

"she's been his stylist for years" she continues "i think he's the only one who hasn't gotten a new stylist yet"

"that must be nice"

bella || 𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴 ✓Where stories live. Discover now