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after a couple of weeks in which we've jumped from country to country, we arrive in poland.

they are invited to another music festival and they are on stage as we speak.
after this performance we have a free day and then off we go to our next destination.

having zero to none sleep because of our program -plus me being a first timer and extremely jet lagged- i am drained, so i will spend my free day probably sleeping instead of drinking with the others, as much as i'd want to.

being as tired as i am, i remove victoria's makeup mechanically as she is talking with thomas about something.

after i'm done, she finally looks up at me.
"bella, are you okay? you look tired"

"i am" i say and rub my eye "touring isn't treating me right"

"don't worry bella, it has happened to all of us" she says and rubs my shoulder "so i assume you won't go out with us later?"

"not a chance, i will pass out on the spot" i say and smile at her half-heartedly "i really want to but all i need right now is to sleep. like, a lot."

"that's a bummer" she says "i can stay with you if you want company"

"noo! you should let loose a little, you've been working so hard! you shouldn't miss a chance to relax with your friends just because your stylist happens to be tired!"

"you're not just a stylist though" she mutters in italian, but i still manage to catch some words.

i blush and look down, but she raises my chin.
"i'm pretty sure you know our relationship is not exactly professional, bella"

"is this a problem?" i blurt out.

"not really" she admits and rests her hand on my waist "i like it that way"

"me too" i say and we both smile like idiots.

"and that's exactly why i'm staying with you tonight" she adds, her tone initiating that she will not back down that easily.


"no but's! i want to!"

"fine, fine" i say "i accept my loss. my room is 102"

"i'll be there" she says and smiles lightly.


at around 11 pm, the door knocks. erica has already left to meet with the others, after spending ten minutes trying to convince me to join them, but when i repeatedly refused and she saw the dark ass circles under my eyes, she let me off the hook and headed out.

as soon as i open it, victoria barges inside and hugs me, almost throwing both of us to the ground.

"it's nice to see you too" i say and kick the door with my foot to close it.

"shh i haven't been able to show you my love all this time"

"are you sure?" i say and point at the several -now faded- love bites she gave me two days ago.

"not that kind of love, stupida!" she says and smacks me. i laugh as she drags me to my bed and collapses onto it. "come here".

i do as she says and lie down next to her. she is quick to pull me into her arms and basically grab onto me in every way possible.

"aren't you a little all over me?" i comment as i snake my arms around her waist and rest my head against her chest.

"you don't seem to mind, soo..." she says teasingly while pointing at my current choice of position.

"i have proven to be weak against the charms of victoria de angelis" i murmur half-asleep and snuggle closed to her.

i can hear her heartbeat raising speed and smile to myself. so i'm not the only one getting butterflies here; that's good.

i feel myself drifting into sleep, so i try to say something like 'good night' and 'i love you' but i doubt the right phrase comes out.
whatever the fuck i said, it made her heart beat faster again, so i consider my mission to have been accomplished and i allow myself to completely fall asleep as she gently strokes my hair and murmurs words in italian, but i could have sworn i heard her whisper 'ti amo'.



a soft chapter cuz i think you guys deserve it
i have forgotten to thank you so far (which i will do later don't worry) BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING THIS BOOK SO MUCH LOVE BDJAJXJFJ

bella || 𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴 ✓Where stories live. Discover now