Out of nowhere Tommy spoke. "Man Idk about you but I'm hungry as shit," he says while mopping over to the kitchen cupboards to find something. "Pfft that was random," I state as I pick up our stuff and place it in the other room. "Yeah ik, I'm just quirkay like that," he jokes around while still rummaging through draws and cupboards. "Eugh- omg never say that again," I take off my jacket while fake gagging. Tommy laughs at my remark and continues his search. I pull out my phone to see a message from George.

This mfker> Hey y/n/nn, just checking up on youuuu, are you alrightt??? Do you need me to rock you to sleep???😴😔

Y/n> Literally stfu

This mfker> Okay but how was it, genuinely

Y/n>  It was cool, we just walked around Nottingham and chilled really nothing much

This mfker> Oh okayy cool, I'm gonna sleep soon just checkin in on u and ur meet up

Y/n> ight goodnight loser

This mfker> gnight, see u tommorroww :)

Y/n> see u then Gogs

After I ended the conversation and started scrolling Twitter, I heard Tommy from the kitchen. "Y/nnnn I found something!" He says in his childish voice. "Hmm??" I get up and walk to the kitchen to see him wearing an apron and holding something behind his back. "Whatcha got for me Toms?" I rest my head in my palm as I sit down at the kitchen counter. He slightly blushes."Hm, well- I thought we could make pastaaa" he brushes of his flusteredness and shows me a box of pasta he found. "Tommy it's 9pm, I am not making pasta with you," I slur out and close my eyes. "Aw pleassseee????" He wines as his shoulders drop. "Whyy?" I question and open my eyes to look at him. "Becaussee, I'm hungryyy and I even got an apron onn," he wines while showing me the apron I'm guessing he pulled out of one the draws. "*sighh* yknow what? Fine, I'll make pasta with you." I cave in, must've been the apronnn.. He smiles wide like a kid on Christmas morning and quickly hands me an apron. "You'll need one of these bad boys before you start cooking with the big man," he scoffs. "Pfftt, alright cooking buddy," I say and unfold the plain black apron with some  white flour still on it. I put it over my head quickly but then struggle to tie the knot behind my back. "Ahh shit." I groan as I aggressively try to tie the stupid knot. "You need some help?" Tommy giggles at my attempts. "Unfortunately, just come and help me asshole," I call out. "Pfft okay," he walks over to me and goes behind me to help me out. While he does we're quiet, He seems to be taking his time and then stops out of nowhere. "Hey bud you Alright?" I ask and glimpse at his face. He's blushing abit? "Huh? Oh, Yeah, sorry, zoned out," he says while quickly tying it and letting go. "All donee" he says then walks his long ass body away from me. Wonder what he was thinking about.

Tubbos Pov

I walk up the stairs after telling y/n the details about what they might need. As I reach the top, I walk to Ranboos room and see him laying face first on his bed. "Hey Boo," I whisper talk. "Hmm?" He responses through the pillow. I trod inside and sit on his bed. "Tommy and y/n seem to be getting along," I nudge him. He looks up at me, I see he's taken his glasses off and is staring at me. "Yeahh they are," he giggles. I remember how they were holding hands after they got off the train, the thought makes me giggle. "Wonder what they're doing right noww~" I gesture to him. He shoots me a tired look. "We are not eavesdropping on them Toby." He murmurs. "We're doing it." I smile. "We're not."
"We're doing it"
"We're not."
"We're doing ittt"
"Toby, no."
"Toby, yes."
I try drag him by the arm but I forget he's heavier than me, so I drag him off the bed by the feet. "GEEZ- FINE. We'll eavesdrop on them, goddamn." He says in defeat while picking himself up. As we stealthy walk down the stairs, we see Tommy tying y/ns apron while behind him, we saw the look on his face and knew imediantly what was going  on in his head. I turn around right after their apron situation and go up the stairs. "That was interesting," Mark says trailing behind me. "Yeahh, very." I smirk.

Tommys Pov

"No your not doing it right-" I say behind y/n. "Yes, I am," he assures. "No you're not stiring is properly you have to go like left and right," I gesture. "Bitch this isn't witch craft I'm doing it right, it still works," he scoffs. "And who tf taught you how to do it like that?" I ask as I point to the pasta in the cooking pot. "George did-" "See that's were you went wrong-" I interrupt. After some denial, we got it done and had some plain pasta. It tasted like pasta, I just liked that I got to cook with y/n. "Now what?" He says after finishing the pasta. "We'll, what about we watch a movie?" I suggest. "Ohhh, what about a horror?" He grins at me. "Absolutely, fucking not, no way." I put down the offer. "Pfft, dw I don't really like horror either," he reassures.

We eventually pick a comedy, but I find I'm not paying attention to the plot at all, I'm giving all my attention to y/n. His reactions, his laughs. Holy shit I like y/n . Oh shit, is this gonna be a problem? Maybe he likes me back, but I don't know. He curls up on the couch bed that we're sharing and I find it adorable. "Pfftt bahahaa, oh shit, Tommy did you see tha-" I wasent thinking. As soon as he turned to me, I kissed him on the cheek. HOLY SHIT WHAT DID I JUST DO????

Woah, 2055 words, long ass chapter, you guys better enjoy, in see more people reading aswell so that's really cool:)) also I'm gonna stop saying ranboos irl name so much because Idk if he's comfortable with it or not so I'll turn it down to a minimum. Anyway, hope you liked this long ass chapter, I'll prolly post one tommorrow.

Cya until then :)

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