Chapter One

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  "Forever Young, I wanna live forever Young
      Do you really want to live forever...."

Was this going to be one of those days where I would stay home alone not like I was not used to this anyway.

I slid out of my new bed and it's coziness was all I craved but it was already mid day and I already slept in like every other Saturday in Portland.

Portland was a great place where we had managed to stay for two years. It's the same  place I considered amazing and I was hurt we left but this was for all us.

We had moved into Westport and I liked this place too. It wasn't a great city but the fact that I had two sides, the area that wasn't habited alot and the area where most people were from was comforting in a way. Maybe we could spend more time here.

Though I needed to wake up and do some shopping at the mall for another new school am attending to.

I was expelled from Portland at the beginning of the academic year. Not any random girl can get expelled but I was expelled for not taking in Tiffany's shit.

That slut's dad was the director and got me expelled from school.

It was a blessing in disguise to my parents somehow though. That helped them to finally go for their chance to base themselves in there dream place. They didn't even get furious with me at all after the expulsion.

I headed off to the bathroom and did my routine. I really loved the new house. My room is painted white and black and wow who knew how pretty it looked.
There was a balcony and a big enough bathroom. I put on my black ripped jeans and a grey sweatshirt which I had gotten from Treyson.

Speaking of Treyson, I hadn't called him even once since I had arrived. I missed him so much though.

I headed downstairs and had a really brief breakfast call it lunch too because I am sure it was one hour past midday.

I took my Jeep which I got for my birthday from the parking lot and drove off to the mall.

The drive to the mall wasn't a long one. I parked in the empty spot in the parking lot and went off to the mall.

A blonde lady in her mid thirties smiled at me and asked what I exactly I wanted.

"I mostly want scholastic materials." I gave her the most genuine smile as she showed me to the corner where there were lots of stuff packed up.

I looked at my phone and checked through my quick note to make sure I would not even forget a thing. I picked a back pack turquoise purple in colour and some notebooks and pens.
I picked note pads which I sure would need to stuff in my locker.
Me and my forgetfulness.

I was pulled out of my trance by someone clearing their vocals behind me.

I turned to find a really tall boy most probably my age. He had a sharp jawline and his hair was a messy and golden brown. He was really cute.
I was afraid I was checking him out so much but he would not realize since he was concentrated on something behind.

I snapped him out of his awkward moment with whoever he was looking at. It was my turn to clear my voice to speak but he beat me to it and spoke up first.

"I know it's awkward but I... I am Alec...." He was scratching the back of his neck nervously. I looked at him for  a while waiting for an explanation. "My lil sis over there told me to come over here and you know.... Approach you." His lips tugged upwards in an awkward smile.

"Ohw.. " is all I could manage to say after the long struggle to open my mouth. Great going Tee..... I rarely got nervous around people but this guy was behaving awkward?.

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