Chapter 12 || Insanity and Kinoko

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(No pov)

Dream had reached the storage room he had and restocked on everything thing he needed, Dream was also still trying to forget what he had just done, it didn't make the guilt any better, but this is what he was supposed to do, right?

Dream took the long way back to his nether portal, hoping that someone had found Wilbur and that he wasn't dying from the scorching heat of the nether,

Once Dream arrived back at his little cave room, he remade his netherite armour, and weapons, he looked up at the framed note and smiled evilly, Dream took his old sword and started laughing quietly, he threw the sword at the framed note,

The framed note shattered and ripped, Dream laughed insanely as he shredded the note, the laugh echoed off the walls of the cave, he then threw his mask into the wall and grabbed the cracked one he had found, he slowly stopped laughing and regained his composure as he put the cracked mask on,

Dream walked to the nether portal and started to make his way over to the main smp,

If they want a villain, a villain they shall have.

-With the SBI-

They had met up with XD and decided to search everywhere nearby, Wilbur and Lucid went to the nether, Phil, XD, and Techno searched the mountains, and Tommy and Nightmare searched the nearby forests,

XD, Phil and Techno had been searching the mountains for quite some time before they heard very faint insane laughter, it was clearly from very far away, they all exchanged concerned looks before running towards the laughter,

It had taken quite awhile but they reached the side of a mountain but there was Branches and stones messily spread out, covering a cave entrance, they all silently agreed to enter the cave,

The torches flickered ominously, casting shadows that sent chills down their spines,

They walked further into the cave before coming across a small room, small glass shards were scattered across the floor along with a old netherite sword and many torn pieces of paper and the mask shards,

XD immediately picked up the sword and examined it, "Dream was here," he said,

"How do you know?" Phil asked,

"This is his sword, he lost it awhile back but I guess it has been here for awhile," XD explained,

"Judging by the mess this room is in right now, he's not in the most stable mindset," Techno mused,

"We did here insane laughing coming from here so I think you're right," XD said with a sigh,

"He also left," Phil added and pointed to fresh footprints that led towards a nether portal,

"That means he's on his way to the smp I guess.." XD sighed, Techno took out his communicator,

<Technoblade> meet back at the sbi houses

<Lucid> might take me awhile, someone knocked Wilbur out.

Techno put his communicator away, "Let's hurry back, someone -Probably Dream- knocked Wilbur out," Techno said, he was slightly annoyed that Dream had the audacity to do that,

Phil ran out of the room, Techno and XD followed him, Phil immediately took off as soon as he stepped outside, XD grabbed Techno's wrist and they followed Phil,

Once they arrived at the SBI houses Tommy was outside waiting impatiently, when the trio landed Tommy gestured to follow him and ran to Wilbur's house, the trio was following him,

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