Chapter 10 || Questioning the past

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(Wilbur's pov)

We had just arrived at the SBI houses, and Dream still hadn't shown his face which meant he had his head buried in my chest the entire time, and Tommy was making fun of me the entire time,

I landed in the snow, "What do I do with him?" I asked, Phil shrugged, "Take him to your house I guess," Phil said, I nod,

I go to my house and put Dream on the couch, he's still covering his face so that might be a problem in the future,

The living room has butter yellow walls and soft grey carpet, lamps are in every corner, giving the room a warm glow, a bookshelf is by a lamp and a coffee table is in the middle of the room, a family photo sits on the bookshelf, windows dotted the walls and flower pots with different plants dotted the windowsills,

I leave to go get him new clothes, his are weirdly covered in blood, maybe I should ask him about that,

I grab a hoodie and sweatpants and head back to the living room, "Dream?" I say softly, "Yeah?" I hear him say quietly,

"I got you new clothes, I suggest you change, I wouldn't really go around in bloodstained clothes," I tell him,

His head snapped up and quickly looked down again, I caught a look at his eyes, his eyes luckily weren't pitch black but were a dull emerald colour,

I give him the clothes, "Thank you.." he says quietly, "It's no problem," I respond,

He walks to the guest bedroom and gets changed and walks back out again,

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" I ask softly, he's still looking down but I can tell he has a guilty look on his face,

"Yeah.. I guess.." he mumbles as he sits on the couch,

"So what happened?" I ask softly, "I- I got my wings back, they accidentally got healed back by a potion I took when I got really hurt.." he starts,

"I was flying with Lucid, Nightmare, and Drista for the rest of the day, but when I went to sleep the demon was there.." he continues, I figure I'll ask about it after he explains what happened,

"It told me that because of my wings it could retake control of me again, I woke up and I barely had time to put my mask on so I went out of the house, XD saw me though and before I could fly away, the demon took control.." he continues with a shiver,

"I attacked him.. I attacked my own brother.. he probably hates me now.." Dream says with tears in his eyes, I give him a look of pity before pulling him into a hug, he tensed for a second before melting into it and putting his head on my shoulder,

"It flew off, but an hour later it landed, and saw.. Drista.." I felt my shoulder get wet, he was crying, I hug him tighter,

"It hurt Drista, I couldn't see the damage but based off of my clothes, it was horrible, Lucid luckily threw me off of her and the demon flew off," he said, I could tell by his voice he was crying,

"It landed on a mountain and Schlatt was there, they said if I try to escape they'll hunt me down and kill everything and everyone I love and care about," Dream continued,

"You guys showed up and Schlatt left but the demon stayed, it called me pathetic, weak, a liar, a murderer, a mistake, embarrassing, it told me how I was supposed to be the most feared person on the entire smp, it told me I deserve nothing and how everyone will betray me again.." Dream continued he was sobbing now,

"Dream.. no one will betray you.." I say softly, "Thank you.." he says sleepily, he closes his eyes and falls asleep,

I move my hand to grab my communicator,

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