A Change In Mikey

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Chapter 10: A Change In Mikey

Eventually Mikey wakes up panting and sweating on Misaki's floor as the villain gently helps him up.

"There, there my dear, you just had a bad dream" Misaki soothed the turtle.

"More like a nightmare...I dreamt I was denied and shamed by my family" Mikey shuddered before he felt like he was going to puke.

"I don't feel so good," He groaned.

"Bathroom's that way" Misaki simply pointed to the left.

Michelangelo bolted to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet as he coughed up a lot when he was finished. He panted heavily, shaking and drenched in a cold sweat as his vision was a little foggy and his mouth suddenly went dry.

He slowly gets up, wobbling a bit and looks in the mirror, panting: "What is wrong with me?"

Just then he thought he saw shadows of his brothers behind him glaring angrily at him and by the time the frightened turtle looked back, no one was there. Michelangelo shook his head, washes his face then cleans his mouth out with water.

"I must be working too hard" He panted before returning to the judo room.

"Is everything alright, dear?" Misaki kindly questioned the turtle, privately enjoying how the turtle is suffering from the poisoning.

"I don't know...I feel sick" Mikey groaned.

"Have some water" Misaki instructed the turtle as she handed him a glass of water.

"Thank you" Mikey thanked and drank it.

"Maybe you just need to rest, are you OK to head home?" Misaki asked.

"I can walk home fine, thank you" Mikey nodded.

"Very well" Misaki said as she stood up and stroked Mikey's head: "Remember, rely only on yourself; your family sadly can never understand what you feel I'm afraid. I know it's hard to accept it, believe me, I tried so hard to gain my sister's love and trust but it hasn't been enough and it will never be enough"

While how innocently naive the poor young turtle was; Mikey's fears and misery allowed him to accept Misaki's lies as if it was the brutal yet honest truth.

"I understand, Misaki," Mikey whimpered.

Misaki gently hugs him and whispers sweetly to him: "I have faith in you, my dear and you are stronger than they say you are. Believe me, you can be a great ninja without them"

"Of course," Mikey nodded.

"Now run along, my dear and if you ever need anything from me, My doors are always open" Misaki gently escorted Mikey out of the house.

"Thank you Misaki" Mikey thanked before he left the house and headed straight back home through the sewers.

Back in the lair, the turtles and April returned after searching for Mikey with no success. They told April about what they were talking about the night after they went on patrol without Mikey, much to her disgust and anger that the brothers would speak about Mikey as if he was a problem.

"How could you say such things about him?" April angrily demanded while walking inside the lair.

"You know we never meant them," Leo tried to explain.

"That is bullcrap! You did mean what you said, especially you, Raph" April angrily lashed out at them.

"And what's so bad about telling Mikey to grow up?" Raphael argued back.

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