Chapter 7: The traumatic panic.

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⚠️🩸Gore warning, sensitive content, sexual content. 13-18+ whenever you learn about how babies are made.🩸⚠️

Bendy's pov
I handed Sammy something small. I wanted to see what he'd do, it was breakable. It wasn't something to important to me but I told him I loved it with my life. He took care of it then.. *THUD**THUD**THUD**CRASH*. I knew Sammy and his clumsiness got him and the item hurt. I walked to Sammy he was at the bottom of the stairs panicked and sobbing. "SAMMY!?" I yelled. He sobbed harder at my voice. He was covered in blood, it was all over his face, his arms and mostly his chest. I ran down the stairs he stayed away from me. "Sammy this item don't mean shit. What the fuck happened?" I asked. He shivered and quivered in the small corner. "I- sorry- *hic* *hic* *hic*" He was crying so damn hard, he couldn't breathe. "Sammy, breathe for me, it's okay." I said Sammy ran up to me. I realized the blood was coming from Sammy's mouth, dripping on his chest. He had a huge piece of glass stuck in the roof of his mouth. (Don't ask how). "Sammy y-" I started but what Sammy did next shocked my entire world. He covered his face and started to shake more violently. "Please don't hit me, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it...!" He whimpered. Henry walked up the stairs. "What ha-" Sammy's shaking got more and more violent. "Sammy, baby calm down.." Sammy freaked out. He sunk to the floor. "Don't hit me, Mom. I didn't mean it, I'm sorry..I don't know how to fix it, Mom. I'm sorry. I can't f-" Sammy passed out, covered in injuries. "Henry..did you hear what I just heard..?" I asked Henry nodded. "Take him to Alice." Henry walked down the stairs. "Okay, Sams." I said picking him up. He was still whimpering in his sleep. "Alice.." I said in a worried voice. "Wh- HO MY GOD!" She said. "What the fuck happened?" She asked. "He fell down the stairs with an object that wasn't really important to me but I said it was, and might wanna check the cams." I said "Okay I will, let me get him fixed up for ya first." She took Sammy downstairs and a few hours later came back and put him in my arms. "Here your Sammy lawrence.." She said heading towards the cameras that weren't in my room. I brought him to my room and set him down on the bed. I kissed him gently. "You scare the hell out of me you know that." I whispered.
3rd person pov
Bendy got out of the bed and tried to leave but felt something weakly tugging on his wrist. 'Is he that weak' Bendy thought. Bendy turned around and pulled Sammy's hand off his wrist. He went to grab the door handle but heard a whimper and turned back around. "P-please don't l-leave m-me P-parker.." Bendy looked at Sammy. "P-parker..?" He ran out the door and decided to talk to him tomorrow.
Bendy's pov (the next day...)
"H-hey Sammy.." I said. I wasn't gonna be mean. It might just be a family member. "Y-yeah?" He whispered his voice still raspy and shaky. "What did you mean by don't hit me, Mom..? And who's Parker?" I asked gently walking toward him. "Oh uh..I don't feel comfortable answering your first quest-" I put my hand on his shoulder and it cut off from the squeak he made. "Please Sammy, I wanna know what's going on." He looked down and sighed. "M-my mother was abusive..anytime I did the slightest thing wrong she break a beer bottle over my head. My older brother Parker, was always there for me, till he moved out. One day tho, I tripped and broke something my mom really loved.. I heard her coming downstairs and I freaked out.. I hid somewhere, and of course only being five, I hid beside the couch. She grabbed me picked me up and threw me into a window smashing it. Then I woke up in the emergency room, 10 stitches in different places, about 30 or so bandages, and an IV. My brother was there, he shook his head and called me a 'lost cause, who couldn't be saved' he left me..the only person who cared about me left me.." Sammy said. I grabbed him and hugged him gently. He hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder. "I got that on recording..if we don't tell Henry he's gonna find out and we all know Henry treats you like a kid." I said. Sammy starting laughing through his tears. "Yeah..." He wiped his tears and the ink coming out of his nose from crying. It's kinda like blood was coming out of his nose. "Hey Henry come here! We have your explanation." Henry darted in. "Gimme Gimme Gimme." I handed him the phone as Sammy cuddled into my chest. *after listening to the recording*
"Sammy..come here now." Sammy stood up and looked down. Henry started shaking him. "WHERE'S YOUR MOM RIGHT NOW SO I CAN CHUCK HER OLD ASS OUT A WINDOW! I'LL GIVE HER SOMETHING TO BRAKE! WHERE'S YOUR BROTHER SO I CAN PUT HIM IN AN EMERGENCY ROOM AND CALL HIM LOST CAUSE. PUT THE IV THROUGH HIS EYE!" Henry yelled. I could tell Sammy was getting dizzy. "Henry stop, your gonna make him pass out." I picked Sammy up and set him on the bed. "My mom is in the ink village with my brother.." Sammy said. Henry grabbed Sammy by the arm and dragged him there as I followed. "Call them. These people look more human then in the game." Henry said. "Yeah we can shake off the ink that isn't stuck to us." Sammy said. He grabbed his axe and me and Henry looked confused. He went from traumatic panic and sexy. "EMILIE AND PARKER LAWRENCE YOU ARE NEEDED!" He yelled, out stepped a small brown haired woman that looked slightly older then Sammy, and a male that looked maybe only a day older then Sammy, but his hair was blonde. "What's up bro..!" Seems him and his brother are getting along. His brother went in to tackle Sammy to the floor with a giant hug. His mom however rolled her eyes. "What the hell do you want now?" His mom said. "Code red? You slipped." His brother asked. Sammy nodded. "Henry's either gonna talk to ya polite or be a suprise party you don't want." Sammy said. Parker grabbed his brothers hand and helped him up. "So how's it going Emilie?" Sammy asked. "Oi that's mom to you?" She huffed in a playful manner. "Yeah yeah Emilie." Sammy teased. She grabbed him and hugged him. He was about a foot taller than his mom, and foot shorter then his brother. Henry watched in amazement. I watched as if it was something cute. "Looks like you 3 get along well!" Henry said. "Shut the hell up I'm tryna hug my amazing son." His mom said. "Say that to the past," Parker and Sammy said together. "Hey I'm different, now. And I'm tryna be a better mother. When was the last time I hit you Sam?" She asked. "This morning when elbowed me in the face to find a pan." Sammy said blankly. "I said I was sorry. It was an accident~" She said that like a teen. "How old are you guys?" Henry asked. "I'm 23." Sammy said. "I'm 29!" Paker exclaimed. "I'm 50." His mom said. "Who are these people?" Parker asked his mom let go and stood next to Parker. "Henry my friend, who isn't the demon. And m'lord Bendy..who'" Sammy paused. My guess is his mom would act crazy. "Hey Sammy come here for a second." Henry chimed. Sammy walked over and looked up. Henry winked at me and Sammy blushed. "Good idea." I chimed. "What th-" his mom said. In front of Sammy's mom and brother, I kissed Sammy with passion. When I broke the kiss, his mom and brother grabbed Sammy, whom was a blushing mess, and hugged him tightly. He started to whimper and they let go. "What was that..?" His brother asked. "I uh fell on a glass object..?" He said. His brother punched his shoulder playfully. "Yeah yeah...! Now go kiss that boyfriend of yours again I want grandkids!" His mom said. I looked at Henry then back to Sammy. "I like your mom. She's got a pretty smart head over there." Sammy became even more of a blushing mess. " nieces or nephews. You are not touching my virgin brother." Henry started laughing, Sammy just looked down with his face all red, and I looked away with my face all red. "I mean, you were good lookin." I said. Then I realized what I had said and nevermind that whole complement "You aren't a virgin anymore are you?" His brother asked. Sammy shook his head. His mom squealed and his brother..."Fine you can have nieces and nephews and grandkids I guess. My point with that confusing thing is... HAVE KIDS FOR ME TO OBSESS OVER." Parker pushed Sammy on top of me. "He's not wrong. We could have kids to obsess over." I said. "I think if all of you forgot your wrong we can't have kids. Why? WE ARE BOTH MEN!" Sammy yelled. His mom looked down at him. "You better find a way to get me grandchildren, you gay composer." She said. Sammy looked up. "First off, I'm not gay, I'm pan. Second off, we still can't have grandkids or nieces or nephews, because we are still both boys.." Sammy said. Henry looked at me and Sammy. "I can fix that." Henry said. "Sammy when is your birthday?" Henry asked. "April 18th?" Sammy said confused. "When did you die?" Henry asked. "June 6th." He said. "There's your time frame for being able to get pregnant. Yay!" Henry exclaimed through false excitement. I picked Sammy up, and set him on top of me. "Yeah there's our time frame, What day is it today Henry?" I asked. "April 17th." He said. "I can manage this.."

*the next day...*

I grabbed Sammy this morning. "Baby...~" I said playfully.."Happy GOD damn birthday!" I said turning him around. "Yay!" He said sarcastically and playfully. I leaned down to his ear. "You remember what Henry said..?" I whispered seductively. He blushed and looked away. "Y-yes m'lord.." Sammy said. "I want you to scream my name, but first.." I whispered. I locked the door. "We need to make sure no one's on our floor..." I said. Sammy sat down on the bed head tucked into his knees. "Alice can you do me a favor?" I asked. She looked at me. "Yeah but, you owe me something." She said. "What do I owe you?" I asked. "You owe me a niece or nephew." She said. "Not a problem that's actually what I need the favor for.." I said, Alice nodded excitedly. "Keep everyone..on the 1st or second floor, for a 'meeting'." I said. She nodded and got to work. "Call me when I can stop this embarrassment." Alice said playfully. I nodded. "Sammy~" I called in a seductive tone. He looked up at me.."hm?" He hummed. "You ready?" I asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." Sammy mumbled. I crawled over on top of him.. I kissed him. "What kinks do you have?" I asked. "I... haveashockcollarkink." Sammy mumbled. "I didn't hear you?" I whispered. "I. HAVE. A. SHOCK. COLLAR. K-" Sammy paused realizing what he had just said. I teleported. "Alice do you know where a shock collar is?" I whispered to her. "Yeah there's one in the infirmary w-" She whispered but paused. She nodded. I left.
I teleported to the infirmary. "Shock collar." I mumbled, I found it lying on a desk with a small remote. I found Sammy head in his arms placed on his knees. "Sam~ oh~ Sammy~" I called to him. He looked up. "Y-yes m-m'lord?" He asked. "I found ya something...hold still~" I walked over to Sammy and slid the collar on. "F-fuck." He said embarrassment laced his once nervous tone.

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