All for Mule-ears and Airtights - Karen

Start from the beginning

I grabbed the handcuffs of Sally and dashed behind him. "Benjamin!"

Benjamin continued running. He hadn't even gotten far, and the old man was out of breath.

"Stop! You're too old for this."

"I can't go back up the spout."

Squirrels scurried up the tree's bough, making kuks while birds rang their bells. With a few quick strides, I closed the distance with Benjamin. I lunged at his legs, tackling him to the ground.

His hand rose to the sky and clawed deep into the ground. "I don't want to be up the spout!"

Benjamin struggled with me as I used the handcuffs and restrained his hand and arm.

"See what I mean? I gave you an inch, and you took a mile. Blame it, Benjamin. I won't take this shit riding all the way back to Mannorland."

I tried to lift him, but he was heavy, and instead, he pushed himself down.

"Benjamin, if you will not work with me. I will leave you out here and carry back what you stole. The wolves, bears, or whatever scavenger can take you then."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me." I got up to my feet and walked to my horse. "I had enough for one day. There are vultures in these parts."

"Wait, wait," Benjamin said. "I will go."

I stopped and smiled. "Excellent choice."


The sun was above my head when I arrived at the sheriff's office. The road was bustling with wagons and passersby looking to sign up for the war of the land. I dismounted Benjamin and hitched Sally and his horse. The door creaked as I entered, with him leading in front; the mule-ears in my other hand.

Seated behind the desk was the other deputy. His legs rested high on the table. He sat reclining back in the chair.

"Another one today?" the bald head deputy asked me. "Him again. I don't think he can pay."

I rested the mule-ears down with the recovered stuff. "If only you would do some work. Then I wouldn't have to work twice. This is the last for me for the day."

"You keep wasting your time." The deputy snickered. "Three Gun."

"Hand me the keys for the cell."

The deputy tossed it on the ground. I picked it up and walked with Benjamin through the door. On the other side of the cell, men sat in whispered conversations. They abruptly ended while others stood looking at me.

I motioned to my barking iron before opening the cell. The men drifted back, carrying a rancid scent, and I placed Benjamin inside. He turned to me, and I uncuffed his hand and arm.

"I only did what I had to," Benjamin muttered as the cell door closed. His eyes fell down to the ground. "My daughter..."

"She will find you, Benjamin."

I adjusted my hat and turned to leave, hearing the front door of the sheriff's office creak. I stepped back into the office, finding the deputy was no longer by the desk. Instead, from the window, I saw a glimmer of the man standing outside. His hand rested on the column, his gaze on Sally. I exhaled, walked, and opened the door to the outside.

"How old is she?" the deputy asked as I came into his view. "Did you get her as a gift?"

My eyes followed him and then drifted to the left, where the deputy's flea-ridden horse was clinging to life.

"About ten. Is there something you want, barrel boarder?"

"You know, if it wasn't for this ongoing war and that boy Davis' dead mouth piece father, you would never have this job. You and those free slaves are a part of this city's problem. With the lack of true manpower, it's the only reason the sheriff puts up with you."

I chuckled. "You whittled? That's probably one of the dumbest things you ever said. When was the last time you used your lead pusher?"

The deputy paused, his face in deep thought.

"You even know how to shoot it? You laze around all day waiting to get paid. I forgot his name, you and that other one. Both of you are like flies buzzing around the sheriff to get whatever he pukes."

He spat. "I keep things in order."

I unhitched Sally. "Keep things in order, my ass. I suppose you tell yourself that to make yourself feel important, but you can't even write or read properly."

The deputy turned and headed inside.

"You're going after you started this? I thought you wanted to tell me where I belong. Come back! How would I know my lot in life? If you don't tell me to clean your damn clothes."

The door closed.


I turned Sally and rode my way home. Despite being old and needing maintenance, the house still towered over all the others. On arrival, I knocked on the door and was greeted by the young servant.

"A letter came for you, Miss Karen, from Black Water. I left it in the study for you."

Black Water?

I took off my hat. "Thank you. Is Ron or Mrs. Davis here?"

"No, my lady, Ron is at class and Mrs. Davis has gone out for the day."

"I see, we all need a break from her."

The girl smiled, and I headed up the stairs. What could my father want?

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