❥ Chapter Twenty-Three: Goodbye

Start from the beginning

I weep on the passenger seat. I opened the window for air, I am breathing so hard that I needed some  air. Then I stare at the rearview mirror. The monster bit Jack's shoulder. I closed my eyes and silently prayed. I asked for the heaven's forgiveness. He died because of me. I should've followed the orders given to me by Jelly. Jack would've been alive. He would've lived. But he wanted to come because of me. This is all my fault. Jack, I'm sorry.

Art was driving the car slowly while I was just staring at the window and with every trees we passed by, I shivered as the thought of those monsters peaked my consciousness. I cried harder and the only thing that keeps my sanity is that finally I'm out of that hell.

When we reached the road, Art immediately dialed someone's number from his phone. I stared at him on the rearview mirror. His lips are still trembling but he managed to drive smoothly.

"Jelly?" Art muttered while on the phone. He glanced at me through the rearview mirror and I immediately looked away. "Yes, she's with me." He muttered again. I can't hear anything and I didn't care anyways. I want to go home and rest. I wiped the tears on my face with the back of my hand.

"I am not sure where we are but I'll drive us to the beach on the other side so no one would see us." Art whispered. "Okay, Jelly. Thank you." He said before ending the call.

"Jelly prepared the chopper, it's on its way to us. I'll drive us to the other side on the other part of the island." He muttered to me. I didn't spare him a glance, I just stare at the window again.

We reached the beach in no time but I stayed in the car until the chopper arrives. The small chopper Jelly had arranged for us came within ten minutes and when it did, Art opened the car door and gestured for me to get out.

The chopper landed a few feet away from us and the medical unit immediately went on my direction to check my well-being. "Can we do it on the chopper? I don't want to stay here any longer." Art said agitated. They all followed his order. One nurse supported me and she guided me towards the chopper. I sat beside Art and the team checked my pulse and blood pressure once we're flying.

The nurse injected me something but I was too tired to argue what it is. Art held my hand but I shrugged him off. I don't want to hear anything about what happened. I cannot.

Within thirty minutes we safely landed at a safe ground, at Antigen's safe ground. Art and I were both escorted by the medical unit and we just followed suit. Upon entering the building, we were bombarded with questions by the media. I blinked a couple of times when the camera flashed towards me. The reporters all talked in unison and my ears are ringing as a result.

"Dr. Evans, is it true that you all abandoned your team on the island?"

"Was the rumor true that you all planed the tragedy that killed your people?"

"Dr. Heartfillia, what happened?"

"The families of your friends are here, what are you going to say to them?"

My head is spinning from all these questions and the cameras around. I am exhausted, I am dead tired and they are all accusing us instead of deeming Antigen. The company is the reason why this happened.

"Dr. Heartfillia, is it true that you had an affair with Dr. Evans so you both killed Dr. Avery on that mountain?"

I glared at the reporter who just asked that. Their questions are so absurd, I badly want to hit them and slap their faces. Art shielded me as security pushed the reporters away from us so we can now get inside the building. The entrance is clogged with media. How did they even know that we are here?

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