10 ♡ His other side

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I entered my office and tried to close the door when someone stopped me.
Before I could look at him, he grabbed my arms and clung me to the side wall.
I looked up and saw him.

Wow, Taehyung!

Why do you always show up in places that I don't wanna see you at alllll??

His face wasn't far from mine and his breath was spreading in my face!
His gaze was sad and a little heartbroken.

"Why was there no news about you this week? Why didn't you come to the company? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

I tried sooo hard to seem calm "ask your questions one by one!"

His face came more closer to me , in that moment I was thinking if I look in his eyes , I might become cross-eyed!!
Looking at his lips is the best choice for now.

"Oh sure , my first question : Why was there no news about you this week?"
He mumbled and his voice...


OMG! It would be better end this discussion...

Maybe this situation would be uncomfortable and tingly for me , but Lee Hana isn't someone who shows her feelings in her acts!

So I tried to act cool "Hehe...should there always be new news about me?
Am I a celebrity or something? Or because the tv news didn't name me in the police •wanted list• , you became worried about me?"

It seemed he wants to laugh...or maybe just a smile ; but he didn't and continued staring at me with those holy eyes.

"Do you want answer me or should I force you to do it?"

Oh, I like the way he thinks I'm affraid of him :D

"I prefer not to consider what you just said about forcing and stuff , and answer your questions...well, I didn't come to Medica , cause I really had nothing to do , and about your last question, well...umm... " What excuse can I use for not answering his calls? "Well...I couldn't answer your calls because I was so busy with my stuff...and if you don't mind!" Pushed him back and walked few steps to other side.

Oh, breathing , what a great benefit!

In those damn few minutes I was stuck between him and the wall, I forgot to breathe and now the air opened its way to my lungs again.

"Do you mean that I am so insignificant to you that you couldn't take a damn few minutes in sevennnn days for calling me or at least answer my calls? "

Oh shit!
What should I say?

"No, I didn't mean that..."

"So what? Tell me your mean...that thing happend between us , did it have any meaning to you?"

Wow, he is so anxious!
Taehyung, you just wanna make me say what you want every time !

You cruel!

"Of course, it had..."
I almost mumbled.

He still had a frown on his eyebrows , but his way of looking changed in a better one!


"Finish your work sooner, I will be here at 6. "

What? 6 p.m? Why the hellll?
But he didn't let me say anything and left the room with long steps.
So why does he want to come here?
Ah...I don't f**king care!

It was almost 6!
I packed my stuff and got out of the company.

Oh God!
He was leaning on his car and looked at his watch...
I can admire him for God damn every seconds!

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