16- MTF Fab Hair

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     "What? Oh no, not at all. I'm sure it will be fine." When Gia's eyes moved to his still tapping foot, he pressed a hand on the back of his neck, then his face turned serious. "I want to be sure you enjoy your evening."

     Gia blushed at his comment, and from the way he was looking at her. "It's my first non-school related formal, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I can't imagine it being anything less than wonderful."

     "There will be dancing too, and others will likely try to step in and have you dance with them, but I can tell everyone else no, if that will help make you feel more comfortable?"

     "Who do you think will ask? Anyone I know?" Gia was once again reminded of how he always seemed to sense and understand the situations that bothered her.

     "I imagine Sabrina and Heath will want to switch up, and Brian will be there, but I don't know who his date is. I expect a few other's that you don't know will try as well."

     Nodding slowly, Gia tried to decide how she felt about that. "I think I'll be fine with Heath or Brian, but I don't feel comfortable with anyone else."

     Nick grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Then that's what we'll do."

     "Thank you." She smiled, but noticed his foot had recommenced tapping. "So why are you tapping again?" She chuckled.

     Biting his lip, Nick shrugged and stilled his leg. He laughed, but it seemed forced.

     Unsure of how to calm him, Gia again placed her hand on his arm and smiled. "Whatever happens, I'm grateful."

     His face relaxed, and he placed a hand over hers. "Me too. I hope you're ready to smile for lots of photos? I should have warned you it was one disadvantage of being my date."

     She studied him. "I hadn't thought of that, but it's a worthwhile cause, and I'm honored to be photographed with you."

     "Great. So we'll have fun, eat well, and raise money for a great cause. Yeah?"


     "Good. Are you ready?" Nick questioned as the car rolled up to the front of the hotel.

     She looked up and saw photographers waiting and crowds watching from behind ropes. "What's going on?" When he mentioned smiling for photos this is not what she imagined.

     "There are some famous people attending. You okay?"

     Swallowing hard she nodded. "I can do this." It was mostly for herself, but with a glance up, his smile helped give her the necessary confidence.

     "Yes, you can. We'll just be walking and smiling on our way into the building, not stopping to talk." He squeezed her hand, and she looked down, realizing he had been holding it for a while now.

     Their eyes met before turning back to the chaos waiting outside of the car; just his look gave her a sense of calm. The driver opened the door, and Nick slid out. While camera flashes went off behind him, he reached down to take Gai's hand. When she saw the look on his face, everything else faded away. Somehow she found herself in the ballroom, with Nick's arm around her as he introduced her to the guests. It seemed to be a whirlwind of actors, athletes, politicians, and business moguls.

     When Heath and Sabrina approached, Gia breathed a sigh of relief. It was nice to see familiar faces. As they spoke, Gia noticed Nick was pulled away by a stunning brunette, who was nearly as tall as he was in her sky high heels. The beauty looked like she had just stepped off a runway as she held onto Nick's arm and leaned in to him for a private conversation.

More Than Fine. (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant