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??? POV

All I can see is black, I felt unmoved. How could I when everything I knew was a lie; I played along in this world class circus act and all in an instant it all fell apart. I feel used and toyed with I feel so stupid so fucking stupid they really said love blinds all guess it's my price to pay for being blind.

''Hey! Mr. Rabbit?! Can you hear me??'' 

I heard a deep and clear voice calling me as I felt a finger on my arm poking me. Ahhhh did this kid just call me a rabbit?! leave me alone let me die in peace.

I wanted to get up at smack that kid cause I was not in the best mood per say but I couldn't, my body won't move, I can't open my eyes!! am I dead already??

''No silly rabbit your not dead you're in a hospital. The reason you can't move or wake up is because you're in a coma.'' I heard the voice slightly chuckle. 'HOW DID HE KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING??'

''It's not hard to know what you're thinking I have done this so many times before plus it's the same question I asked....funny how we all thought the worst.'' He spoke with a sigh and a soft voice.

Why is he here thou? and who is he?

''To answer your questions of who I am and why I am in your room is simple my name is tata-'' 

I can bet my ass that isn't your name.

''Well it's not my real name but that's what you can call me by and I am here because I have appointed myself ✨Coma ✨Patient✨ Talker✨.''

Ow lort kill me now please I know I have sinned but I don't deserve this torcher!

''So basically-''

Here he goes *groans mentally*

''I keep you company..... like a friend or family and you know talk with you and give support so you won't be so lonley.''

ahhhhhhggg how long is he gonna stay here!!

''You're my last patient, so I am gonna stay as long as I can, .''

Last patient?

''Yeah I can't get away with visiting patients anymore hehe.'' 

ow so he's probably a troublesome patient who wonders the hospital 'doing good' just my luck to be in the same hospital as him, can't I just die in peace.

''Anyways why are you in here anyway?''

Cause I wanted to die which coincidently you are making me crave more by the second kid.

''Well most people end up in a coma from accidents but I don't think so with you. When I came in here you looked dead like you didn't look like you wanted to live, guess you are the cause of this right bet you're cussing me in your head to let you die in peace.''

Well looks like you possess a decent amount of brain cells.

''*sigh* You know there are so many people here fighting for life while you're just giving it up like that, why? because you're hurt? you're in pain? because you feel like no one cares? because you're alone? how idiotic.'' He spoke with a mocking and bitter tone.

It's so easy to say that when you don't know anything, kid life ain't sunshine and rainbows for me! 

''People die every day, did you think about the people who care for you? how would they feel?'' He spoke in a lowered voice like a parent reprimanding a child or their bad behavior.

I...don't have anyone else.

''And if you say you don't have anyone your wrong there is always someone who would cry for you who would feel hurt when they remember you even if you don't know them yet or can't see their love....life is so precious because in life we can love. It might take a while to find our way and you may stumble but know the most beautiful and peaceful of lakes are hidden in the roughest of forests where their beauty can not be seen by the eyes of a man who keeps his head low and takes whatever the forest throws at him.''

Waw you speak like a therapist kid *rolls eyes*

''Aiish nevermind! but I swear if you to wake up and you try to die again I will make you lose a couple inches.''

ahh threatening someone who can't fight back that's low kid.

3rd POV

Tata continued to talk about random things trying to guess what the sleeping man would answer but for the most part Mr. Rabbit just ignored Tata making snark remarks in his head.

''Aish it's no fun having a one-sided conversation I don't even now if you understand Korean.''

The boy sighed deeply a subtle pout upon his features as he continued to look at the sleeping boy.

''You know you really do look like a rabbit.''

Tata moved his hands to touch Mr. Rabbit's face poking his finger into Mr. Rabbit's fluffy cheeks.


''omo they are so soft....but now that I look closely you are very beautiful.''

The boy was now poking the sleeping boy's full cheeks while giggling.


Jungkook was screaming in his head this sort of physical contact was not something he was used to, actually he wasn't used to any physical contact at all from the other party he always initiated it not to mention this kind of babying from the other party.

''Aiish I should stop before I can't stop myself for playing with your fluffy cheeks Mr. Rabbit.''

He giggled, eye slowly disappearing in content after playing with Jungkook's bread cheeks

Jungkook POV

I- I am gonna be driven crazy aren't I this cruel cruel world has sent me an even cruel person *drowns in tears* I THE JEON JUNGKOOK has found the real devil.

*Authors' note*

Published -sep/9/2021

Smereldo Tales Vol 2 / Taekook (Taehyung and Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now