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"Hello?" Bucky called after knocking on the lab door. No answer. He knocked again, his tongue playing with his teeth. Still no answer. He tried the handle, and it clicked open. Stepping inside slowly, he called out again, but his voice met an empty room. Some machines were whirring with power on the countertops, but there didn't seem to be a living soul. "Stark?" His shoulders slumped. He really needed his arm fixing. He was about to give up when a clatter resounded from the door at the back of the room.

Then you stumbled out.

"Oh!" You said as you looked up at him, using darkly painted fingers to push your hair out of your eyes, and then ... then he really noticed your eyes ...

They were a similar kind of brown as the whiskey he drank last night, with flecks of a rainbow shimmer behind them, shining out across the room, looking up at him and swallowing him whole as you walked over.

"Do you need something?" You spoke, with a bite in your voice. He had a hard time trying to think of the words that should be coming out of his mouth. So he coughed, buying himself some time.

"I uh.." He paused. What was he here for? You were waiting for him to elaborate, your hands clasped together neatly in front of your dark, ripped, skintight jeans, your printed t-shirt creasing behind the pressure of your arms.

"Arm!" He finally said, quite a bit louder than he intended, making your eyebrows shoot up momentarily. "My arm," He gestured to his left appendage. "It broke." He watched you blink a couple of times.

"It broke?" You asked as you narrowed your eyes at him. He nodded. Your hands moved to your hips, and he could now see what looked like a band logo plastered across your t-shirt. "A state of the art, vibranium plated, scientifically engineered prosthetic arm, broke?" He nodded again, and this time you scoffed. "What did you do to it?"

"Nothing, it just broke."

You had a very hard time believing him. You glared, waiting to see if he would tell you the truth. He didn't waver. He was holding your gaze, which usually makes people squirm after a few seconds, but he wasn't shifting enough to indicate he was about to cave in.

"Well then, take it off and Stark will look." You said.

"What?" He snapped, frowning at you. He didn't take off his arm.

"Take the arm off. Leave it here. Stark will fix it. Is that difficult to understand?"

"It's...I..Sorry who are you?" He asked, suddenly feeling like you were pissed off at him, but you just scoffed and headed back to where you came from.

"If you don't want it fixed then don't, have fun with a janky arm."

You stopped walking when you heard another voice from behind you.

"What's going on here?"

You turned to see Tony waltzing into the lab with an expression that switched between anger and shock as he took in the scene before him.

"He broke his arm." You said, folding your arms across your chest. "Barged in here demanding it be fixed."

"I - No I did not! I knocked and asked you to fix it, you just decided to be-" Bucky argued back.

"Alright! Alright, TinMan, sit over there, I'll get my tools." Tony pointed to a chair closest to the door, and then glared at you when Bucky started walking off."You shouldn't be out here." He said to you, in a lower voice that was only directed at you.

"Didn't hear him come in, I just wanted some more solder." You said as you shrugged, grabbing the solder you needed from the cupboard and waving over your shoulder as you retreated back to your den.

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