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Paul and Rachel Lahote took little Iris in, Rachel being Jacob's sister.

The Lahotes weren't lonely; they had their little Sarah Wilde on the way.

At least Iris would have a cousin to play with. Or so she thought.

At first, everything went fine. Rachel gave nice hugs and Paul liked to tickle little Iris. Even after Sarah was born, things went well.

It wasn't until Iris was four when things began to change.

Iris was a typical little girl - oblivious, at first. But then again, Rachel and Paul were careful at the beginning. That was when they still cared about the children.

And then arguments would escalate on the dinner table and Iris would not hold it anymore. She and Sarah would wail, hoping that their family would stop, for their sake.

They didn't.

It became worse.

Paul stopped caring. And then Rachel too.

The first insult changed it all.

The first punch changed it all.

The facial bruises changed it all.

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