Chapter 1: After All These Years

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"Blossom, watch out!"

Her blue sister screamed. If it hadn't been for Bubbles, Blossom would have been hit by a ball of flame that Brick threw at them. Their third sister, Buttercup, raged at that, immediately counter-attacking. The Rowdyruff boys were getting tougher and tougher to beat, but this time, like all the other times, the girls won. That fight happened over five years ago when the Rowdyruffs were last seen. Even though they were only in middle school, the Powerpuff Girls have yet again saved the day.

Who are the so-called PPG? That story takes a long way back.

When the Professor made the Powerpuffs, they were meant to be the greatest superheroes Townsville had ever seen, which, of course they lived up to. Beating up all kinds of monsters and bringing justice was just another day on the calendar for them. The Powerpuffs were fantastic, heroic even. They were unbeatable. Keyword in that sentence? Were.

Of course, the PPGs knew the Rowdyruffs existed. How could they ever forget their childhood enemies, even when they haven't seen them in years? Yeah, they didn't forget them as much as they disregarded the idea of them. Since they were so easy to beat last time, the girls brushed it off, thinking they weren't going to come back, and even if they did, the evil Rowdyruffs would be in jail in no time. Were they wrong? Only time could tell.

After their failure, the Rowdyruffs' father, or perhaps creator, Mojo Jojo, was incredibly disappointed in them. He was not only sad but angry. Furious, even. Because of something he said, the three Rowdyruffs: Brick, Butch, and Boomer, trained every day for the past five years, ready for revenge.

Neither the Powerpuffs nor the Rowdyruffs had a leader. Sure, Blossom and Brick were the most determined of their siblings, but no more important.

Brick is the red Rowdyruff and the oldest by three seconds. He was made from puppy dog tails, and his powers are fire and smoke. The red Ruff is mostly known for his long red hair and the hat he never takes off.

Butch is the green Rowdyruff and the second eldest. His main element is snails and his powers are energy shields and energy bursts. He's mainly known for his stubbornness and aggression, which are traits he shares with Brick.

Boomer is the youngest and the blue Rowdyruff. The element he is made of are snips, and his powers are electricity control and outbursts. The blonde is famous for his innocent look, which can be deceiving, because he is, in fact, a villain. He also has the reputation of being the dumbest one out of the brothers.

The people say that a very long time ago, before the Jojo brothers were evil, they were close with the Utonium sisters, friends even. Guess time changes everything.

Blossom is the oldest sister, with her element being "everything nice". She often lived up to the element, as she was always the best student and incredibly well-mannered. Her powers are heat control as well as telekinesis. She's known for her obsession with the color pink and the large red bow she wears on her head.

Buttercup is the middle child/creation of the Professor, younger than her older sister by just three seconds. Her name doesn't fit her the best because of her butchy personality and her main element: spice. The powers she has are super strength and shadow control. Just like her enemy Butch (although she is far calmer than him), she is known for her stubbornness.

Lastly, Bubbles is the youngest of the three, and some would say the sweetest, because of her element: sugar. She's the best at talking to animals and water control, which are her powers. Her sisters and dad often worry about her because everyone believes she is too sweet and maybe a bit naïve for a blue Puff.

Those were the Townsville gods, as the local newspaper called them. Now, that the Puffs are in high school, nobody is worried for their safety anymore. Since the Ruffs were defeated, no more evil scared Townsville.

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